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Wow! BM going on the run.

LaMareOssa's picture

Well, BM has gone off the deep and I honestly believe this is her breaking point. I think she has completely snapped. It's scary, honestly.

DH got temporary custody of SD Monday morning. BM was served Wed with her papers and the restraining order. BM is not fully capable of containing her craziness..She doesn't know how to control herself or her rage. So, the word got around that DH gained temp. custody of SD, so BM's parents decided that it would be best if they filed for custody of SD's brother and sister (Not DH's children)It worked. BM has now lost temp. custody of her youngest (SD9) AND her two oldest. The two older kids weren't even staying with BM, BM's friend has been taking care of the kids since last week because BM doesn't have a place to bring them.

So, the friend calls DH to let him know that BM knows that her parents filed and won temp. custody and that BM is losing it. BM is/wants to go to the kids' school, pull them out, and run. Forever. The friend is trying to talk some sense into BM, but BM doesn't hear her because BM is acting completely insane.

If BM runs with the other kids then DH will likely keep custody of SD. I feel so sorry for all of BM's kids, I know they're confused and scared. No child should have to be uncertain and afraid when they're around their own parents-who are supposed to protect them-

A happy note---We have had SD since last Friday, and guess what BM? She's HAPPY to be here, to be taken care of, to not have to worry about where she will be living tomorrow! It's called


Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Wow! I would def contact the school and have this woman removed from the pick up list. She sounds crazy! Good thing SD has you guys.

Rags's picture

Congratulations to you, your DH and all of BMs children that people have focused on their best interests and put the nails of accountability in BMs coffin.

I would counsel that you keep a full court press on the courts to get full and final custody of your Skid and that BMs parents do the same for the older kids.

I have very little compassion for idiots who would do this to children, particularly their own children.

Good luck.