Update to SDs teacher wanting BM and DH to go to conference together. Yikes.
So, DH finally got to go to the parent-teacher conference after it was rescheduled twice due to snow.
He went lastnight, without BM. Thank goodness. It didn't go as well as he thought it would have. Usually teachers have nothing but great news for DH when he goes to SDs conferences. Not this time. The teacher is concerned about SD. Lack of focus, not concentrating, not listening, trouble at recess with the other children. Homework not being turned in, and when it DOES get turned in..It's half done! She's pretty much failing math. She's in third grade, wokring on addition and subraction. They are moving on to dividing and learning their times tables now. If SD can't get the hang of adding and subtracting, then she will not be able to do much of any type of math.
Every other weekend that DH has SD, he asks her and who ever drops her off if she has any homework for the weekend. The answer from everyone is always "No, it's been done. or No. No homework on the weekends." DH also checks SDs backpack and all her folders. He can never find any trace of work or homework.
The teacher told DH that SD seems to have lost all of her excitement for school. She took a test yesterday and was told to stand up and take the test because of her behavior and lack of focus. This is only 3rd grade...If she doesn't care now it's only going to get worse as she gets older.
The teacher also told DH that BM never showed up for her conference, and never called to cancel it either. Which is strange for BM, she is always trying to be involved in everything (to make herself look like a caring mother).
BM hasn't been around SD much at all lately. BMs parents usually do the pick up and drop offs for her. Every once in a while BM will show up to a drop off to say Hi to SD because she "hasn't seen SD all day long" But she NEVER does a pick up or drop off on her own like a parent should.
We know that BM is on some type of probation for 18 months or so. She must stay out of any type of trouble or go straight to jail, she must also complete some type of class/es. She has a laundry list of things she must complete or face serious jail time. We're assuming that BM is so focused on keeping herself out of trouble that she is neglecting SDs school and needs.
I KNOW for a FACT that SD hasn't missed one soccer game or practise and has not missed one tap practise or performance. But she has missed SIX days of school and not completing homework.
I know she is 8 and she knows better, but it is BMs job, as a mother, a parent and the custodial parent to make sure that SD is doing her homework, and doing it correctly. It is her job as a parent to check her daughters school work. It is her job as a parent to help and teach her daughter the basics of reading, writing and math. If BM does not care, SD will not care. This breaks my heart.
I have noticed the change in SDs behavior here at our house, she will be happily playing with BD4.5 and then in a split second her mood and demeanor completely change and she turns mean and almost hateful for no reason. I have also noticed she is not as interested in reading as she used to be.
I told DH he needs to hurry up with the mediation and the petition for custody modification. I also told him that it would be a good idea to get SD into some type of counseling ASAP.
Aaaahhhhhhh..........Court=Money. Court=time off from work. Time off from work=No money.
It's so frustrating that BM is sooo concerned about herself and her stupid "Single/soccer mom" Status.
Stupid bitch. :sick:
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We had similar problems and
We had similar problems and DH has the teachers sign his agenda everyday indicating if there is homework. DH checks to see if he did it. If the teachers don't do it, he emails them. Everyone is doing it and now his grades are back up. You have to stay on top of it everyday.
True. It's easier said than
True. It's easier said than done in our situation though
SDs school is a few cities away. He only sees SD EOW and twice during the week. BM and her parents never let DH see the homework on the two nights a week he gets to see SD. It's so upsetting. It will be easier when he either gets primary custody or at least every other week 
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. But SD was very interested the last 3 years. Especially at the beginning of this school year, then her mother got into some trouble. SD used to read at 2nd grade level in 1st and then 3rd grade in 2nd grade. Her reading is still where it needs to be, but she is slowly fading away. I'm not saying that because a child struggles that it's the parents fault. I know I will struggle with my BD 4.5 in the future. But I also know for a fact that BM is very selfish, she doesn't care about school when it comes to SD. It's pure laziness and lack of concern on BMs part.