Have you dealt with this?!
I am getting really tired of this crap!
SD11 seems to have some type of factitious disorder. She WANTS to have something wrong with her! She WANTS to be sick or injured! WTF! I can't wrap my brain around this type of behavior and her thought process. Have you guys dealt with this?? It's like Munchausen syndrome.
It's been almost 2 years since DH has had full sole custody of SD11. Since he got her in January of 2012, something has always seemed to be wrong. I took her to the eye doc because she said she couldn't see the board in class. The doc tested her eyes and when it was over, the doc said that SD11 saw better without any type of corrective glass in the machine thing they use to check your eyes.
A few months later she was always complaining her stomach or head hurt. She would do this when she wasn't getting her way with something. She would also get pissy and complain about a headache when she thought she wasn't getting enough attention from DH. She missed some days of school last year because of this stomach ache she said she had. I had to pick her up twice from school. I got fed up and took her to an urgent care center that day. The doc poked, prodded, and ran tests and she couldn't find anything wrong. The doc said that SD was being too vague in her area of pain and symptoms and it could be gas. She was given a prescription for antacids.
Then this past summer, SD11 hurt her foot. She swore up and down it was broken. I took her to her doctor and the doc said that it's just sore and definitely not broken. SD11 whined about her foot for almost the entire summer, especially when she wanted attention. She even told DH she wished she had broken her foot so she could have a cast. She found out BM had a nasty bunion removed from her big toe and a week later SD11 was complaining about her toe hurting.
Yesterday I took SD11 to her doctor because she had been complaining to DH for a week that she had a pain in her left side of her stomach. Took her in and the doctor checked out her entire stomach and couldn't find anything wrong. SD's story changed a couple of times when the doc was asking questions. First SD said it hurt all the time when she was sitting, then it only hurt when she was on her side, then only when she ran. The doc talked to me privately and told me that most children who actually have a pain can pin point it and show the doc. The doctor said that SD couldn't really describe this pain or even pin point it's location and SD was very vague in her answers. The doc then asked about any stress in her life and I had to explain the custody change and the doc said it's most likely in her head and for attention seeking purposes. She prescribed Metamucil to drink for two weeks (Doc and SD talked about her bathroom habits)
I am so tired of this!!! SD isn't sick, but she wants to be sick. DH said that SD started complaining about her stomach after a girl in her class had emergency surgery to remove her appendix.
DD7 and DS4 hate being sick! I don't get it.
- LaMareOssa's blog
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^^^LIKE^^^^ Good old castor
Good old castor oil! Or she has to be in bed immediately upon complaining. No TV, no books, nothing. Laying in bed doing absolutely nothing. And send her to bed no matter what the complaint. Also check on her enough that she can't fall asleep. It's a pain but a few rounds of that and she will get tired of just laying in her bed. Make sure the other kids are doing something super fun that she can hear from her room.
^^^^^like like like!!!
^^^^^like like like!!!
^^^^^ Exactly.
^^^^^ Exactly.
My SD did this...not quite as
My SD did this...not quite as bad, but same thing. I finally just started treating her as if she was telling the the truth. Stomach ache? Guess you are in bed eating nothing but toast and broth all weekend. Hurt foot? No playing then, have a seat and read a book. Headache? Go lay down in the dark and take a nap.
I gave her a very clinical and not fun solution to every problem she came up with.... And made it last long after she claimed she was miraculously all better. She slowly learned it didn't pay to fake sick or hurt with me.
DH and I have started doing
DH and I have started doing this. If she says she has a stomach ache DH will tell her to go lay down and the same for a headache. If she misses school she is stuck on the couch or in bed: no games, no books, no t.v It is NOT fun being sick around here anymore. DH told her she WILL drink the nasty powder stuff the doctor prescribed for her }:)
My stepson used to do this
My stepson used to do this for years and years.
Then everyone including his grandparents got fed up with it and told him to grow the hell up and that it was pathetic. To my amazement he stopped.
He was doing it for the attention and everyone knew it.
Call her out on it.
^^^^ My SO finally saw all of
^^^^ My SO finally saw all of the games also and just lost it on his son one day saying "do you think I'm stupid???!!!!!! STOP IT !!!!!!!"
when he "feels sick" now no one believes him. I end up actually being nicer to him than his dad b/c he dad just looks at him evaluates his face and says " I don't care"
funny how "i don't care" fixes aliments
I love this idea! I wish I
I love this idea! I wish I had heard of it when my stepshits were constantly faking illnesses for attention or to get out of doing something.
In our situation nobody ever
In our situation nobody ever sat down with SD and talked to her about why she felt the need to draw attention to every minor injury and illness and make up dramatic stores about accidents and illnesses and sleepwalking. I think it would have been a good thing if they had. Instead people showed less and less interest, and eventually she turned to other more extreme cries for help, including self harming. Perhaps your DH could sympathetically confront the behaviour with a direct discussion, get it out in the open, and encourage her to find other ways to reach out for reassurance an attention?
^^^ I think it's a good idea
^^^ I think it's a good idea to sit down with them ONE time to talk about it be compassionate etc... and then if they keep doing it then start in with the other stuff.
We sat ours down to talk to him with concern etc and he still pulled the stunts all the time thinking he could manage to get over on us
SD15 does this to an extreme.
SD15 does this to an extreme. In the 4 months she has been living with us she has gone to 30 dr appointments, an ER visit and has 5 doctors. Scary thing is she wants more! Perfectly healthy 15 year old. And dh coddles her. So it is working for her.