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Anyone have experience with out of state custody/visitation? SD knows we're moving across country.....

LaMareOssa's picture

DH took the kids over to see MIL lastnight before MIL moves back to VA. I blogged about whether we Should move and be happy or stay here and hate it to keep SD close to her psychotic mother for their supervised visits. I talked to DH about how I feel bad for wanting to take SD 3000 miles away from her insane family and DH doesn't care how SD feels about it. His thoughts are "She'll get over it and if she doesn't, oh well..not her choice..It's better for her in the long run." Well, I've made it a point to keep this highly likely idea of moving to VA a secret from SD10. SD10 has heard DH and I talk about how much we want to move and how much we love VA, but that was just talk. And when we do talk about it infrot of SD she always says she thinks she would like it there and wants to move, but as a 10 yr old, I don't think she's understanding that she can't see her BM or grandparents EOW..because she's 10 she can't fully understand that 3000 miles isn't just a "drive" away.

Well...MIL is all worked up over us moving (even though we can't stand each other at this point) MIL still wants us out there in VA with her and the rest of our family-I have family in VA as well. MIL started talking about it at dinner depth, with all three kids sitting there listening. BD6 and BS3 are ultra excited and DH said that SD's face changed and she got nervous. She asked DH if we were moving and what was going on and DH tld her that it is a big possibility. SD got upset and DH asked her what was wrong and SD told him that she wouldn't be able to see her mom. DH got very blunt with her and said something along the lines of "If mom gets her life and act together then maybe we can work out some type of visitation for you and her. But, I don't see your mom getting her life together any time soon since she hasn't done it yet." SD asked if she could still see her grandma and grandpa and DH said that if and when SD comes out here for visitation it would be up to BM to arrange for that. DH said that SD understood a little bit and that it didn't effect her mood for the evening (which is a big hint on how SD is taking certain news) MIL rambled on and on and was telling SD that she would love it and she would have alot of fun living out there with so much family and being so close to the beach. MIL even told SD that it's not a big deal that she wouldn't see her mom much :jawdrop: because DH did just fine only seeing his dad a few months a year. :jawdrop: MIL is a very blunt woman who doesn't give a damn about tact or upsetting anyone or hurting ther feelings.

I really worry SD will have a break down if we tell her that we're actually moving. Im really worried. Does anyone have experience with new out of state custody? We've only had custody of SD 7 months and I don't think she'll take it well


Annanymous's picture

I wouldn't tell her TOO early, but do give her a some time to comprehend it (not tada we're moving in three hours!). A 10 year old is capable of understanding and I'm sure she will have some feelings about it if she actually had lived with her mother all her life until recently. I would suggest showing her Skype and allowing her to Skype with her mom and her maternal grandparents if you do move. Grandparents are really important to kids, and unless they are complete douchebags constantly being assholes, I would be open and encouraging and let them know they are welcome to call and Skype with her. I would also use the "we'll see" approach about actual visitation rather than "if your mom stops sucking so bad", as she will see that as a potential and the second just makes her feel bad.

LaMareOssa's picture

I agree. If and when we do move it's most likely going to be next spring/summer because we can't drive across country during winter weather. I also thought my DH was a bit harsh in telling SD that her mom will most likely NOT get her shit together. This was strange because DH is usually very gentle with new news, ideas and talking about BM. And yes, SD has lived with her BM all of her life. DH just got sole custody back in January due to BM's domestic violence arrests and cps reports.

12yrstepmonster's picture

You are assuming the court will allow you to move her out of state. Before you get your hopes up you should check into the legal issues. A NCP can stop the move if it interferes in their rights as a parent.

My info is coming from my state:

A CP that takes the child out of state could be made to provide the transportation half, or both ways. It is dependant on the financial situation.

The NCP is entitled to every other school vacation and half if not more of the summer.

My dd20 grew up being shuffled between states. She has a wonderful relationship with her dad. But I did everything to foster it.

People will tell you kids are resilient.. and she will be fine. I think it depends on the situation.