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SO and court

Lalena75's picture

BM is apparently done dragging her feet now that her bf is paying for her divorce, she went and got one of the best divorce lawyers in our area only this lawyers practice and her mental capacity has been declining in the past year (her son is the CEO of the company I work for and we all know how his mom has been doing)

Anyway SO and BM finally had court yesterday SO had already mailed a copy of his proposed parenting plan to BM's lawyer a couple months ago, and was disputing BM wanting sole custody. BM's expensive lawyer apparently came up to SO and said that they think joint custody would be best and would he agree (seriously we know you read the parenting plan BM had a shit fit over it, joint is what he asked for!) He said "That's what I put in the parenting plan I mailed you" she goes on about how she would write up a joint parenting plan then and her idea for holidays (which included SO never seeing the kids actually ON Christmas and their birthdays)he informed her a holiday schedule was in the parenting plan he wrote allowing the children to see BOTH parents on major holidays. Then how she thinks they should each get to claim 1 child a piece on taxes (again lady it's in the damn parenting plan that way) He informed her THAT was also in his parenting plan.
SO then informed her she was more than welcome to write up another and he would look it over and get back to her on the changes he would expect to have to make to it. (he knows this is just going to cost BM $, she's paying for this SO got a fee wavier for the courts and is representing himself since he has no money and no one willing to help him pro bono).
He expects to get the parenting plan from her lawyer bring it to me to read over, compare to what he wants and is best for the kids then have to push either BM to agree to his parenting plan or mediation (which BM will also have to pay for)
He's optimistic he'll get his parenting plan approved it's detailed, it's fair and it's really what is best for the kids. I am not optimistic once BM realizes she is likely going to have to pay SO child support and all her childcare costs with SO is unemployed, the plan is set that SO gets 8 nights to her 6, and he's available to have the kids when she has to have childcare, she's 1000$ behind to the latchkey company,and has the kids being kept by people with long felony records and SO, myself and our families have no records she will go bonkers and either fight or screw herself. I expect her to fight till she screws herself.

Course she got the kids after work Friday, his son at least will be back Sunday since he's still suspended from latchkey, his dd said "I should stay with mom she gets a really bad cough and sick when we're not with her." My response, "Honey your mom's a grown up and grown ups can take care of themselves it's not your responsibility to take care of her, your job is to be a kid." I didn't know what else to say.