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6 yr old kicked out of school

Lalena75's picture

SS was kicked out of school today, BM of course couldn't be reached so SO went and got him. Apparently his behavior the last 2 days has been atrocious he's been removed from class frequently on BM's weeks and they've had enough. The principal has a degree in child psych and see's there is obvious differences in both kids behavior depending on who's week it is. I told SO he needs to ask for a meeting at the school and get a behavior plan in place. H was regularly kicked out of before/after care (BM uses it we don't) he was always in trouble last year. The doc said as long as his behavior isn't affecting his academic ability not to worry (kid isn't stupid so his grades are okay)SO told BM he's keeping him the rest of the week (it's her week) I had to reign that in as he will not have the cops brought to our home, or contempt on him for custody interference. He decided if she says no to us keeping him she can come get him, but otherwise he's better off here (very true). Neither of my kids had behavior issues to this level (typical kid behaviors) I'm out of suggestions, we do what we can and the kid wants to please us then it's all undone in 24 hours at BM's We also still have to address the lying encouraged by BM to #1 cover her ass, #2 play MOTY by convincing the kids she took them trick or treating because if the lie and say it, it must be so.


bearcub25's picture

BMs that don't need to be having children in the first place, not parenting to teach their exes a lesson.

Anon2009's picture

All I can think of is a change in custody. You may not like it, but it may be what's necessary. Because if you think this kid is bad now, wait until he's 13. It'll be much easier to nip this behavior in the bud now than when he's a teen. Behavior plans are great, but they'll be useless if BM isn't doing anything about his behavior at her house.

Lalena75's picture

BM totally let SO keep him. Pretty much ever since the CO went into effect and SO has held her too it she stopped fighting most things, says she's NOW punishing the kids (grounded, no toys, can't play with his siblings, and has to sit at the table with nothing.) Funny this is the tactic SO has been doing for 3 years sd did say they are now getting time-outs with a spanking, but it's grandpa who does it. He apparently was kicked out of before/after care again which is probably why she doesn't care if we have him. He goes back tomorrow and SO is going in to set up a sit down try and see what options there are. As much as I sorta don't mind if SO had full/sole he needs a jobby job and a bigger house. Job would would be great right now, I lost 3 weeks to surgery and down to 8 hours a week till......? He's unemployed gets 400$ a mo. Just filed for CS see where that gets him.

Sweet T's picture

OMG, my son is 6 and I can't imagine him doing something to get kicked out of school. It's called parenting and teaching your child morales and values. My son is not perfect by all means but he loves school and is a good student and kind to others. Good for your SO for stepping up there needs to be a meeting with the school.