So lovely to read all your good news! Especially about meeting another member of ST. I met 5 other people on another forum I used to be a member, which was great. Having a job you like and your own peaceful home sounds wonderful - well done you!
I'm so happy that you created the sweet life for yourself. It gives me hope that other women, such as myself, can do the same.
I completely understand the urge to push the adult kids out of the house, even the bios. Your daughter's wedding outfit choices sound fashionable and fabulous. I love the light blue shoes coordinating with her husband's tie.
Spain is one of the countries I have had the chance to visit. Of the areas we visited, I loved Seville, Barcelona, and Galicia best. Have you thought about doing the Camino? You might enjoy it since you like to stay active.
Good for you kicking the unworthy males to the curb. I have an aunt that married a hyper-active man. He had squirrel energy and ran around like a chicken with his head cut off. It drove my very reserved and formal aunt completely insane. Eventually she finally divorced him.
She's not my favorite aunt and has never been particularly great to me so it was amusing to see the fallout. She had replaced her own bio family and bio-children with steps and grand-steps. Every Christmas card she sent included baby photos of random step-kids I had never met before. After she filed for a divorce, all the steps turned on her. She had ignored and devalued her bio family so she ended up alone. I think she has rebuilt relationships with her own kids. I don't see her very often as we're not close and she lives on the other side of the country.
I'm still reeling and decompressing from dealing with my horrid step-diablas over the past few months of their intrusive visits. I am so thank-ful they won't be around for Christmas.
In true DH fashion he is doing a terrible job of planning for the steps x-mas gifts and birthday gifts. I now stay out of it. He puts in minimal effort and waits until the last minute so the only option left is to send an electronic card or venmo and then he feels guilty that he didn't mail a card and do more. I am disengaged but I can't help have an internal huge eye-roll when he complains about his guilt. Bleh, not attractive. I'm thinking, "If you want to do more then do more." In the past bratzilla diablas complain about his physical gifts and return everything so just giving them a bit of cash is fine.
We didn't make it to Madrid. When you return I would love to hear all about your experience.
I did a 2 week Camino and I have to say that 2 weeks really isn't enough time to get the full Camino experience. Waiting until retirement is a good plan. During my 2 weeks I got a taste for the Camino and loved it but realized that I really needed 4-6 weeks. Also, do it alone, not as a group experience. You will meet and make lots of friends along the way.
I was so inspired by the work of Gaudi in Barcelona. I can't wait to travel again. There are so many places I'd like to see.
I've come to a place of acceptance with my Aunt. It's too bad but she's always been kind of a b-ych. I don't have very much family left but it makes me appreciate the people I do have even more.
I hope you have a peaceful and lovely Christmas as well. It sounds like you will.
Thats an amazing update. West Coast in May is amazing, everything green and flowering and sunshiny.
Isnt it wonderful having the in real life experience? I am loving your updates Im finding them super inspiring.
Things are shifting, I feel. I plan on getting out this coming year, and kayaking, hiking, running are on my list. My area is perfect for all three, famous for it actually, although north is MORE famous for the hiking/backpacking.
Spain is also amazing - Ive been to Toledo and Madrid. The architecture, food and culture is my favorite of Europe so far. Tapas, babee!
And your daughters wedding sounds perfect - personal, beautiful and lovely as well as no debt.
Your son, getting him back to work will give him that sense of personal pride. And you get your space to run nekked!!!!
Yes Thinkthrice, it's amazing. Almost everything in my life is great now, and I'm working to restore my health as the narcissistic step-hell and the expensive, lengthy divorce process really took a toll on my body.
I literally just got out of the hot tub, took a shower, and settled down with my 2nd cup of coffee next to the Christmas tree... the only "gifts" below are the ornaments the kittens knock down every day. It's so much more enjoyable re-hanging ornaments (=all plastic, not glass, fortunately) than buying & wrapping "Gift Grabs" for ungrateful, self-centered xSS and dealing with narcissist xH buying gifts "for me" that he wants for himself[ish]. :D
Your updates are so upbeat; when they're posted, I save them to read with a cup of tea and my feet up as a special treat. You've come such a long way since your miserable times with ex #2! Like StepUltimate, your freedom has put you in touch with the best of yourself. Also, your 'picker' is no longer broken; you've become wise to the ways of manipulative men and have discovered the joys of a single life.
So lovely to read all your
So lovely to read all your good news! Especially about meeting another member of ST. I met 5 other people on another forum I used to be a member, which was great. Having a job you like and your own peaceful home sounds wonderful - well done you!
I'm so happy that you created
I'm so happy that you created the sweet life for yourself. It gives me hope that other women, such as myself, can do the same.
I completely understand the urge to push the adult kids out of the house, even the bios. Your daughter's wedding outfit choices sound fashionable and fabulous. I love the light blue shoes coordinating with her husband's tie.
Spain is one of the countries I have had the chance to visit. Of the areas we visited, I loved Seville, Barcelona, and Galicia best. Have you thought about doing the Camino? You might enjoy it since you like to stay active.
Good for you kicking the unworthy males to the curb. I have an aunt that married a hyper-active man. He had squirrel energy and ran around like a chicken with his head cut off. It drove my very reserved and formal aunt completely insane. Eventually she finally divorced him.
She's not my favorite aunt and has never been particularly great to me so it was amusing to see the fallout. She had replaced her own bio family and bio-children with steps and grand-steps. Every Christmas card she sent included baby photos of random step-kids I had never met before. After she filed for a divorce, all the steps turned on her. She had ignored and devalued her bio family so she ended up alone. I think she has rebuilt relationships with her own kids. I don't see her very often as we're not close and she lives on the other side of the country.
I'm still reeling and decompressing from dealing with my horrid step-diablas over the past few months of their intrusive visits. I am so thank-ful they won't be around for Christmas.
In true DH fashion he is doing a terrible job of planning for the steps x-mas gifts and birthday gifts. I now stay out of it. He puts in minimal effort and waits until the last minute so the only option left is to send an electronic card or venmo and then he feels guilty that he didn't mail a card and do more. I am disengaged but I can't help have an internal huge eye-roll when he complains about his guilt. Bleh, not attractive. I'm thinking, "If you want to do more then do more." In the past bratzilla diablas complain about his physical gifts and return everything so just giving them a bit of cash is fine.
We didn't make it to Madrid.
We didn't make it to Madrid. When you return I would love to hear all about your experience.
I did a 2 week Camino and I have to say that 2 weeks really isn't enough time to get the full Camino experience. Waiting until retirement is a good plan. During my 2 weeks I got a taste for the Camino and loved it but realized that I really needed 4-6 weeks. Also, do it alone, not as a group experience. You will meet and make lots of friends along the way.
I was so inspired by the work of Gaudi in Barcelona. I can't wait to travel again. There are so many places I'd like to see.
I've come to a place of acceptance with my Aunt. It's too bad but she's always been kind of a b-ych. I don't have very much family left but it makes me appreciate the people I do have even more.
I hope you have a peaceful and lovely Christmas as well. It sounds like you will.
Sweet and then Sweeter!
Thats an amazing update. West Coast in May is amazing, everything green and flowering and sunshiny.
Isnt it wonderful having the in real life experience? I am loving your updates Im finding them super inspiring.
Things are shifting, I feel. I plan on getting out this coming year, and kayaking, hiking, running are on my list. My area is perfect for all three, famous for it actually, although north is MORE famous for the hiking/backpacking.
Spain is also amazing - Ive been to Toledo and Madrid. The architecture, food and culture is my favorite of Europe so far. Tapas, babee!
And your daughters wedding sounds perfect - personal, beautiful and lovely as well as no debt.
Your son, getting him back to work will give him that sense of personal pride. And you get your space to run nekked!!!!
As they say, living well is the best revenge.
This is like reading a book,
This is like reading a book, "2024", with a beautiful last chapter! *yahoo*
Nice to hear
About those who have escaped stepHELL!
*bye* waving to StepUltimate!
Yes Thinkthrice, it's amazing. Almost everything in my life is great now, and I'm working to restore my health as the narcissistic step-hell and the expensive, lengthy divorce process really took a toll on my body.
I literally just got out of the hot tub, took a shower, and settled down with my 2nd cup of coffee next to the Christmas tree... the only "gifts" below are the ornaments the kittens knock down every day. It's so much more enjoyable re-hanging ornaments (=all plastic, not glass, fortunately) than buying & wrapping "Gift Grabs" for ungrateful, self-centered xSS and dealing with narcissist xH buying gifts "for me" that he wants for himself[ish]. :D
Great news
Have a lovely and healthy new year
Dear Lady,
Dear Lady,
Your updates are so upbeat; when they're posted, I save them to read with a cup of tea and my feet up as a special treat. You've come such a long way since your miserable times with ex #2! Like StepUltimate, your freedom has put you in touch with the best of yourself. Also, your 'picker' is no longer broken; you've become wise to the ways of manipulative men and have discovered the joys of a single life.
All the best to you Hon, you deserve it!