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krissykat's Blog

Don’t feel bad. At all

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So for the past 5 months I've been living in Texas with my husband and his two boys, I have been in charge of watching them every weekday and most Saturdays while my husband and their mom work. I have been telling my husband that I don't want to do it anymore and it got better for a minute and then got worse. It was every single day Monday through Friday and they were staying the night every day because they would like to say they never saw their dad except Sunday. Which was true because he leaves for work at 4 am and gets home at 6pm after they are gone.

Pets > Kids

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Got in a fight with my husband.

His son asked me what I would do if he was allergic to the cats/ my dog. I said sounds like you wouldn't be coming over anymore huh?

I regret nothing. At least my dog doesn't talk back.


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Okay, what I'm going to say isn't going to make a lick of sense, but I'm going to rant anyway.

I've been struggling lately because I'm really sick and cant really do much but sleep or stay in bed all day. If i try to get out of bed I feel absolutely shaky and I have no energy to do anything. I've been to a doctor and its a bit personal as to what sickness but im not contagious. 

Anyway, all I have wanted is for BM to take her kids because it had gotten to the point both boys SS10 and SS4 were saying she hates them. I don't want them to grow up hating their mother.


krissykat's picture

My SS turned 4 recently. I want him to go to preschool because the kid needs friends and social interaction outside of his brother his dad and me. His dad agrees and it would also take a lot off me not having to practically raise these boys. We have talked to BM about SS10 going to physical school and as far as I know she plans on it.

Should I be concerned?/ are there any book writers out there?

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So I haven't posted in a while because honestly everythings been pretty good. We went out on a vacation and we all kind of bonded. The 4 year old still annoys me every once in a while but hes 4, he would probably annoy me if he was mine lol.

Oh random update, I wrote a book! I only have like 8 sales, but still.

Is it okay to not really like my SS, like at all?

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So I have two SS9 and SS5. SS9 is a bit of a nightmare, but I have learned to just distance myself from him. He can feed himself so he doesn't require any attention. SS5 on the other hand wants and needs attention 24/7. He talks over everyone no matter who is talking. I would be on the phone with my parents that I rarely get to talk to and he's screaming over them and me asking about food, juice, tellimg me he needs to go to the bathroom, or really anything else he can talk about. 

Disrespectful SS

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My stepson is for the most part a nightmare. At first, when I was watching then, it was nice. The two boys were respectful. They cleaned after themselves, got themselves ready whenever we were going somewhere. They were good kids. 

Internet malfunction

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My SS9 has been driving me crazy about Fortnite. Every word he speaks is about that stupid game. He's been getting rude as I told him to stop screaming at the game when his father was napping after work, and all he said was "I'm not even screaming." Now, due to a few arguments with his BM, I have informed everyone that I will not be part of any discipline. However, I am in a family where I am the only one that knows how to work the internet.

Full Custody

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So, my last post might not make a lot of sense in comparison to this. Me and DH had a talk and I'm going to start going out more and having a life outside of the boys and him. He has them signed up for a martial arts class as well so I can drop them off while he's at work and I can either have alone time or go out somewhere. He also found a babysitter so If I need he will drop them off on his way to work.
