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krfergy's picture

I just have to say that I hate my future stepchildrens mother. With a passion. I loathe her. I am not normally a hateful person and even though some people get on my nerves I normally don't let them get to me. She gets to me though and I'm tired of her making me feel horrible and treating me horribly all the time. From day one it's been one thing after another. Starting with stalking. On my fiance and I's first date she found out where we were going and showed up. Then she found out where I applied to work and threatened to make sure I didn't get the position. (I still got it) She constantly threatened and harrassed me on facebook, on my phone, etc. She constantly talked to my fiance all day everyday regarding things that had NOTHING to do with the children. She would pretend to be my friend and then use something I did or said against me at my most vulnerable moment. When her daughter was bullying my daughter and I discussed it with her an an appropriate manner, she said she agreed counseling was the best option but then she turned the situation around and called Child Protective Services on me stating that I was emoitonally abusing her daughter and that was the only reason that my daughter could be getting bullied. My fiance has his kids every other week. They act out alot and I am the sole disciplinarian. She makes them hate me by constantly manipulating them. I am so tired of her being so involved in my life. KJSdhfjklhdfkljshfakjdhfjk

End rant.


kathc's picture

Why on earth are you marrying into that mess?

I mean, damn, I can't stand the lazy POS my DH decided to spawn with before we got together but if she caused that much trouble and the skids were that bad I'd have run a long time ago!

msg1986's picture

Why are you in this relationship?

Your fiance should be protecting you from the Bm and he and he alone should be putting his kids in check.

I'm sorry you're going thru this and I hope this start to look up however you'll need to talk with your fiance and set some ground rules and insist that he place boundaries with the Bm or you're done. I'd also recommend filing a RO against her if she's stalking you.

Good luck!

GeorgiaLove's picture

I feel your pain. My husbands ex-wife hated the fact that her daughters loved me so much. That crazy bitch try to get me fired from my job. I work in the medical field so she told my compliance officer that I was looking through her medical records. Really bitch because I have nothing better else to do than to look through your medical records. Trust me I don't want to be looking through your medical records you skanky ass. Besides I don't even have that kind of access anyway. You're not that special honey. I got a restraining order against her. After the restraining order she completely left me alone. Unfortunately she uses the kids to try to get to me by saying hurtful things. I don't take it personal anymore.

My best advice for you is a sit down with your husband and tell him you're not gonna take this anymore or you're out!

Get a restraining order against her for harassment!

Good luck!!! Feel your pain...

krfergy's picture

I would get a restraining order but her new thing is to completely shut me out. She is now using the court system to bad mouth me. Telling Kyle I am no longer allowed to be at pick up or drop off which doesn't bother me that much but it's inconvenient due to the fact that we only have one car right now. She's told me right in front of the kids that they don't like me and are scared of me. They don't act like that though..... So that makes me feel good. All of her harrasment has been driving me batty.

GeorgiaLove's picture

She called child protective services out on me because I was wearing a towel in front of the kids. Saying that I was being inappropriate. We had child protective services come out to us like six times and all of them were nothing. Child protective services told her if she makes another false claim then they will file against her. So she finally stopped.

You can use all of the things that she's done by harassing you even if she has stopped you can still file against her. You just have to have proof. His ex acted so ugly in court that judge signed the restraining order while she was ranting and raving. She is Cray Cray!!! When the bailiff was having me the restraining order he said good luck with that one.

His ex said the same thing about me and their child custody cases. Saying that I was inappropriate. I do sexual acts in front of her daughters. Blah blah blah ... We got lucky because that judge saw right through her.

Disengage from her too. Don't even give her the time or day anymore. This helped somebody said don't let her have that power over you.