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skid weekends drive me nuts

kikstuks's picture

I dont like my stepson...because he is soo much like essentially I dont like my dh anymore.
we had skids from friday, all was well to start off. I was trying my best not to rip my hair out. Trying to be calm and not sweat the small stuff.
But then as we're all watching a movie and snacking away BAM I see something flying to the floor aand hear a spitting sound. Look up and freaking ss had literally spat on the floor right next to me...I dont get it! I straight up asked did you just spit on the floor? And he stares at me with his mouth hanging open, eyes dead, just like a zombie and doesnt say anything. Then turns around and keeps watching tv. Like wtf???? Asif you spit on the floor and then ignore the fact that I called you out. So dh tries to ask ss about it and the little brat ignores his dad too.
And only after the 5th time dh asks then ss7 says oh but you spit all the time dad.
Yes dad spits, OUTSIDE! Not inside where theres 2 kids under two crawling around and playing on the floor!

Okay what ever, I'll suck it up, not my kid not my problem. If dh wants to have a brat of a son he can go right ahead.

Come bed time, I know they are going to stay up late, sd9, ss7 and hubby, I know because its like that every time.
I Manage to get my toddler and bub to sleep at a reasonable time but dh fall asleep on the couch. Okaay im going to go to the bedroom as sd9 and ss7 are yet again playing games. Its ticking to 10pm and they are still up.
So I go see what is dh planning and lo and behold, skids are getting their stuff to sleep on the couch, even tho they hve a oerfectly good bunkbed in thei room. That is an ongoing issue where those kids wont sleep in their bed nor will they sleep with out daddeee, well ss wont sleep without dadee.

Sure, whatever, I'll sleep by myself again then.

I can put up with all the whining, the selfishness, the sooking, the daaaddeeeee daaaadeeeee, the playing video games all freaking day long. But what I can not stand is ss7 hurting my dd2!!! I cant handle the slyly picking on my dd2, the pushing her away, not letting her play with toys, not letting her on the couch.
Thats when I go full mama bear on ss7. I dont care that this kid goes home to mummy and tells her everything I do, says he hates me, says he hates dd2...I dont care. I will not let ss7 get away with it, I'll punish him...But dh 2 min later makes everything alright again....
Which is why I get my ex to take dd2 when ss7 is here...

I hate the fact that ss7 will go up to dd6 months and says he loves her and she's soo cute when I know that as soon as dd6months starts crawling/walking, then ss7 will start saying he hates her and will bash her.
He is soo fake for a 7 yr old.
He goes to the toilet by himself with bm, come shere and dh has to hold is hand, or sd has to take him...
Ss7 always gets everything.
Went to the shops just to look for some cords and because it was raining so couldnt go to the park. Aaand ss7 gets a toy! Yet again! But does dh care if the other 3 kids get anything? No ofcourde not, because the other 3 arent up his ass about getting a toy and actually dont care about stuff.
I cant stand the babying that goes on with ss7....but then when it comes to sleeping sd9 is just as bad...but she never sleeps with dad, even when she wants to. And why not? Because dh is busy sleeping with ss7 yet again.

I cant remember the last time dh slept with me in our bed...he doesnt sleep really when his kids arent here, so stays up playing games and then when kids are here he sleeps with them...

Im not married, im babysitting. But then I've put my foot down, the kids are not here when dh is at work. I dont care about the inconvenience to him or to bm. I have plenty to do with looking after my two kids to worry about someone elses.

Fucking weekends!


furkidsforme's picture

So get out. Quit making excuses. There will never be a good time or enough money, or a solid enough plan. Just get out and figure the next part out later.

IslandGal's picture

Time to leave. No point hanging around with someone that doesn't respect you and refuses to teach his kids to respect you. It'll only get worse.

kathc's picture

Shit, if mine was anything like my DH, even his bad qualities, I'd be thrilled because at least I'd know we were paying for a kid that's really his.

Seriously though your DH sounds like a dick. Please don't put up with that.

Tuff Noogies's picture

oh darlin', i've walked in those same shoes. this was totally yss, to a T.

the only thing that has helped was dh just nutting up and putting his foot down. of course, we still have issues w/ yss, but it's not quite as continuous.

this one's on your dh. but i know, it's frustrating AS HELL. it got worse when he got full custody, before it got better. but i think them being here full time is what made dh finally step up.