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How does this even happen?!

KiFire's picture

I can't even compose my thoughts. Oh my god. BM1 managed to get a C/O that destroy's FDHs visitation time. She and her shitball lawyer managed to get a court date, and proceed without proof of service! There was nothing mailed to us, and no constable ever came and taped a letter to our door. I am not making this stupid ass shit up.

How the FUCK does that even slip through?! What kind of shady judge doesn't DEMAND proof of service when one party fails to show up!? I mean REALLY?! SERIOUSLY FOR REAL?! this lawyer AND whoever was judge need to be removed from legal proceedings. And BM needs to suffer some serious reality. How many times is this bitch allowed to do whateverthefuck she wants until it bites her in the ass?

I'm just.. fucking floored this even can happen. FLOORED. FLABBERGASTED. FUCK.


KiFire's picture

Nope, and it's not a possibility. I lost my job over the summer, and we lost our home in August. I've just begun back to work as of the 5th and we really have no money. Every attorney we've spoken to is incredibly happy to take our case - for a 3 to 5k retainer. We're living with family which is what spurred this sudden action on her part. First she just with held but FDH filed a contempt and now this.

learningallthetime's picture

File an objection. Can probably find a relevant example online.