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KDB924's picture

I am sooooo excited! I ordered Stepmonster by Wednesday Martin on Amazon Sunday and it should arrive any day now!

I've heard nothing but good things about this book and I am ready to dive right into it!

Anyone want to discuss...what are your favorite parts I should pay extra attention to?


Kes's picture

It is a brilliant book, and the only one of its kind that does not put forward the "if you try hard enough step parenting can be a walk in the park" kind of naive philosophy. Very insightful and useful. I skipped through parts that were not so relevant to my situation but it is all good. I gave sections to my DH to read and it really opened his eyes to some things, like why I and a lot of SMs had not had success bonding with SKIDS.

mama_althea's picture

This book helped me so much. It's not so much that it tells you how to fix things, but it puts the issues I was having into a clear light, rather than all these muddled emotions swirling around in my mind and heart. With this clarity, I was able to make improvements.

This reminds me, I think I'll go back and re-read some things...

KDB924's picture

Hopefully I will have the book today or tomorrow. I just took a look at the tracking and it moved out of Atlanta at 9:30 last night!!!!! No skids this weekend either...maybe i'll be able to bang out the entire book this weekend??? I hope so, I love getting deep into a book! I did that with The Help and enjoyed it very much!

I attempted to find it at a bookstore locally with no luck, so I tried to get it on my iPad but it wasn't available thru iTunes bookstore so I had to resort to Amazon, which I don't mind too awful bad other than waiting on it to arrive!