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Manipulative SS

kay's picture

My SS was caught smoking pot again! I told him the 5th time that I caught him that if it happens again, there will be no drivers license and his freedoms will come to a halt. Mind you each time he received a punishment that he does not hesitate to infom me that they don't work so why bother doing them. I tell him, they make me feel better. So 1 week after the fact I try to talk to him. I told him that he swore he was done and moving on he responded, "You believe that stuff?" I was blown flippen bold. I told him you realize what you have lost. he said no big deal he knew it would happen eventually. I told him i was not participating in a pitty party for him. He tells me that all the concequences are my choices. That he has no accountabiltiy. That not getting a license is my choice, that now driving him to and from work is my choice...he does not see that all of this, the outcome, is his choice...can he be that messed up? If I was a violent woman I would beat his ass because he sounds like an idiot. I have not idea what to do so I just started typing. UGH!


B22S22's picture

And I think letting him figure out how to get to work on his own would be nice too. Or paying you taxi fare. And rent. And groceries. And utilities.

How old is he? Did I miss that?