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It gets worse...

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After my last post, SS steals money, mom calls dad and says I am sending him to be with you, on and on it went. Dad is ready to go get the boy. BM STOPS does not return calls and then acted stupid when dad gets a hold of her. Everything has changed. She will put SS in the hospital again. Yes again! Everytime he is out of control or does something stupid, BM puts him back in the hospital. Why discipline when you can medicate! Yes some kids need medication while others need consistancy and discipline. We are forced to just sit back as noncustodial parents and watch him spiral more out of control as no follow through happens when he is released from the hospital and sent back to BM. Court is not an option we are tapped out. I can not take another loan out to go back to court. ENOUGHT ALREADY!!! Start parenting and stop being friends with these kids. They need us to mentor them and guide them not be a buddy!