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BM pissed at me because I refused to babysit her brat while she went a whoring.

katielee's picture

This was supposed to be my husband's visitation weekend, but he had to work today and I have a bunch of stuff I had to do. So I contacted BM Thursday evening and told her we would get SD12 Saturday afternoon when DH is home rather than Friday night (so I don't have to keep her all day Saturday). BM was PISSED...said she had plans and it was our responsibility to take SD12. I told her in our state visitation is a right, not a responsibility, and I had things I had to do. She was so pissed she is refusing to let my DH have SD12 at all this weekend. Oh well...

By the way, we had her ALL weekend last weekend (which was not DH's weekend)so BM could run around with her newest conquest.

I have been told time and time again by BM that SD12 is NOT my kid. Well, I agree. Not my kid, not my problem. Sorry about your luck, BM, but the free babysitting is OVER.


savemysanity's picture

Good for you. I wish I had found this site a few years ago. I was the free baby-sitter for most weekends for BM while SO was working. I felt like it was my responsibility to take care of his kids. God, I was so stupid.

SecondPlace007's picture

Here's a good one
My SO ex sent SD home from an all too infrequent short and early ended visit with her requesting to ask daddy if he & SD would babysit her new child in our home because BM & her new SO had to work. And she'd PAY MY SD! Doesn't pay CP mind you..
Last time Bio Mom & my SO spoke was after she OD'd and she was pissed Child Services was contacted
SD was told HELL NO by myself & was upset that mommy would lose her job if we didn't allow her trashy drunken ass slink on back around
Understand this child is not theirs and
Not any blood to myself or my SO
Mind you I was completely ignored & only get brought up during late nite drunk n texts when BM misses The Best Man She Ever Cheated On And Left
BTW my SO is also giving me shit for not making enough $..
Meanwhile BM pays $0 sees her maybe 12 hours a month and is charge happy, has a new iPhone and ask mom didn't work cause well mom has a lot of dept she's paying off plus you know her DUI fines..

twoviewpoints's picture

The only thing I would suggest is that DH contacts and informs next time. Why subject yourself to hearing/reading her hissy fit tirade? He's the one not going to be home, let him be the one who puts up with BM.

Enjoy your morning off Smile

momof5_1969's picture

oh my goodness-- your title had me laughing out loud! "while she went whoring"!! lol Thanks for that Biggrin