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What would you do - drug addicted SS21 just texted me

karenemoy's picture

SS21 just sent me a text message asking me how I am doing. I am shaking. In addition to being a drug addict - SS21 just got out of rehab (again) and living in sober living facility in another state. He also is bi-polar. I feel bad but he just tells lies. I cant deal with him.

I am afraid he is reaching out to me because he wants something.

But I feel as if I dont respond he will do something and it will be my fault.

Do I just ignore him?

I really cannot deal with him - I am have SO much anger.

He just ruined my day. I was doing OK but now I am shaking. I am afraid of him.


alwaysanxious's picture

I'm really sorry. I have been in a similar situation with my own father. All I can say is that you can't control their behavior. You can control what you let people do to you. Addiction is so difficult and rips people apart. I hate it. I would say ignore him. Delete it and try not to think any more about it. Unless he has shown long term (LOOOONG TERM) remission then there is no need to involve yourself with him.

karenemoy's picture

Thanks my DH said the same thing - ignore it he thinks SS2 is reaching for something.