
Karen franklin1's picture

Bf with 13,11 yr old girls. Ive been here 4yrs. Their moms talking horrible bout me now kids refuse to come unless im out of house. Im emotionally destroyed. Hes taking them away this weekend without me


shamds's picture

Your man has no balls!!

he has shown everyone that you are trash tossed to the side....

he has no respect for you!!

my husbands exwife is batshit crazy, narcissistic and pas, hcgubm whatever you name it!! She claimed many untrue crap about me based on info from employees working at hubbys company who don’t know me. You know she told a story and someone added something on and another and another and before you know it bio mum is calling my eldest sil ranting bs that she needs to check her brother and she has to protect her kids...

its like what?? You want to protect your kids from normalcy, sanity??

My husband hates exwife with passion, he avoids her drama so often its not worth to him to answer his daughters but never would anyone of them dare to say kick me out of home in order for kids to visit or visit alone

exwife doesn’t dictate your houserules.... your man has told you where you stand because he’s too chicken shit to man up and tell the ex “i will not kick my partnet out of our home, there is no court order demanding this so i suggest you order one”

make her look like the idiot 


tog redux's picture

Does their court order say she’s allowed to decide when they come over and who he’s in a relationship with? I doubt it. Does he have a court order? 

I’m with the others - your SO has failed you here. He should have told her to buzz off or they can take it to court, but instead, he let BM know she’s the boss in your home. 

Go stay with a parent, friend, sibling for a week or so and decide if you can live with a man who is letting another woman run his life.

And stop feeling so hurt, that’s just what BM wants.  Get angry instead. 

STaround's picture

You have been with this guy 4 years, and just now they refuse to come over, and its alll about the BM?    He should not see them all the time without you, but I suspect there is more going on.  

Karen franklin1's picture

I am experienced with kids. I have 26yr old and 30yr old girls which is how i kno these kids run both parents. His oldest one suspended twice 4 fighting..bringing alcohol on school property. Cuts herself and i mean hundreds of cuts. Been caught with percocet and t3s. List goes on. The bm has bad mouthed me this whole time not just now but she ampped up the ante because shes off work n has nothing better to do.