I got upset with my boyfriend AGAIN last night because his D.B. Ex always calls at the last minute to change the kids schedule and he never asks me before just saying "Ok" (which I discussed in my last post)
Well the kids grandma called (DBs mom) and asked for the kids on Wednesday. (our rescheduled day)
I had planned to spend some time with the kids Wednesday night and take them to the store to get snacks and last minute items for the trip. I did not get a chance to tell my boyfriend because we had been busy so..the PERFECT time would of been when grandma asked him he could say 'Let me ask my GF if she has anything planned"
He has done this before (like 2 days ago on Monday!) to me and I try to pick and choose my battles but I have established that my boyfriend just does not THINK sometimes and he has LACK of communication skills...(He just doesn't talk much). and he is non confrontational so....I usually have to start a conversation if it is serious. UGH!!!!
I am not mad about his flaws....that is just how he is....and he is a great guy....I would not get along with someone bugging me constantly so I just have to compromise (and he does too)
So--after DB picked up the kids last night (an hour late) I came out of the bedroom and told him I would not apologize for feeling like I am not part of the family or have no say in the kids schedules when WE are suppose to have them. I then said something I did not mean which was "I am not interested in marrying you if that is how you treat me" Well--I said it because I was pissed. AND it was true at that exact moment.
He did not say a word...and kept watching his show. So, 5 minutes later I ask him to pause his show so we can talk and we talked about the situation and how I sometimes just feel like the Nanny/Maid. We hashed out the issue about me having a say in our family and he asked if I could take them Thurs evening before we go on the trip.. because they start school soon after we get back and will not get to see their Grandma as much.
Then he said he was hurt by what I said. And I was thinking of everything I said and the marrying part did not pop up in my mind (because I was being irrational when I said it!) So, he repeated it to me and then I felt like dog poop and I said I did not mean that but we need to communicate and compromise or things will change for the worst.
I should of never said something so nasty--because if he told me that I would of been crushed.. Open mouth--insert foot!
We are a work in progress...but I see it coming together.
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" I have established that my
" I have established that my boyfriend just does not THINK sometimes and he has LACK of communication skills...(He just doesn't talk much). and he is non confrontational so....I usually have to start a conversation if it is serious. UGH!!!!"
Thats exactly how my man is-no communication skills when it comes to anything about our relationship,bills,kids and skids,etc.I have to bring everything up for discussion because he never does and if I dont ask specificaly about something Ill never find out about it.If its a sore subject (and it usualy is which is why he doesnt bring it up) I get one word answers and grunts along with a defensive attitude.We have discussed how important communication is many times since first getting together and he seems to agree that its important but never actualy wants to communicate.I have no idea how to improve this situation or get him to open up about anything. :?
I wanna open up his head and
I wanna open up his head and find the loose wire sometimes..
You are right about that
You are right about that dtzyblnd. I am used to feeling guilty...I have a lot of skeletons from my childhood upbringing which includes a lot of negativity
My SO is very non judgmental --one reason I love him so much...he sees my flaws and weaknesses and me putting up walls and helps me tear them down.
He also knows I am not going to let someone walk on me...and take advantage of me and that includes him. So if he does want to exclude me..wheather is it not thinking (usually) or on purpose(he hasn't done that yet)..he will get an earful.![Smile](