justmakingthebest's Blog
BS17 Depression
Writing as a pissed off BM right now.
My son (17) has battled with anxiety and depression since he was 14. There were lows where he mentioned he wanted to un alive himself. He has been on medications that have really made a difference. His father has always been against him being on meds. For some unknown reason he is very anti med and thinks fish oil fixes everything.
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Being a little stalkery
Sooo... I miiigghht have a stalker FB account that I have used to see what goes on with SS and to track down things like where BM works- even though it didn't matter in the end.
Anyway, that was how we saw some of SS's graduation pictures, which was cool. We also could see when he played football and basketball. His SF has me blocked but doesn't know how to make his account private... until after court this last time. They found out that it was BM's husband's account that told on her working. So now he is locked down.
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The Freaking Audacity of BM
After almost 2 weeks post court of refusing to acknowledge DH's attempt to work out SS's financial aid, not to mention her trying to say in court that DH wasn't paying- even though we sent a certified letter from our attorney to her attorney, her and SS back in March, she is now snapping her fingers expecting DH to jump on her command!
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NSMR- Human Trafficking
We had a scary event Saturday night.
DD15 had a softball tournament about an hour and half from home. Most of the team decided to stay at a hotel since we play Saturday and Sunday. Well, after the games Saturday some of the parents and girls went to go hang out at the pool, around 7:30pm. DD, DH and I went down too.
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Monday's hearing details-- Long but I shortened as much as I could!
Quick backstory for any newbies: My SS18 has been severely alienated, my DH has not been able to speak to him in 2 years. We are long distance (BM moved away and established residency while he was deployed). Their first divorce was illegal and had to be thrown out. It has been one disaster in court after another for the last 8 years. Last year, while my DD was fighting for her life in a hospital, BM filed for back CS going to when she deserted the marriage.
You can't make this sh*t up
Today is the hearing! Great right?
Nope. Major storms game through KS last week and out attorneys office doesn't have power. So no access to his server. All we have for court in 3 hrs is what I could print off based on things I sent him because I could access my work email at my MIL's old office (she retired last year!).
Freaking KS. We are so fucked.
Pray for us.
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Obviously after yesterday's events I am all up in my head.
Have any of you experienced BM dodging subpoenas? Did they get away with it?
What about someone denying service? Is this really a thing that is allowed?
I do HR and bookkeeping for a living. I have been summoned to court in the past for an employee. The cop showed up with the subpoena, handed it to me. Recorded it in his paperwork and left. I didn't "accept" it. It was ordered to be given to me. I just don't understand.
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Freaking Kidding Me!
UPDATE: We found out that the process server actually got his butt in gear. He attempted to serve the office where BM works, but they denied service. I didn't know you could even do that! Then he attempted to serve BM but she ran away. don't know what to do with that information!
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With court days away now, of course some of DH's and my converstations drift to talking about SS18. DH just broke my heart last night though. He said that for him, the only way he can process everything is that his child died 2 years ago. He no longer has his younger son. He is dead.
My heart just shattered but I know what he is saying. It's an unspeakable loss but even more twisted because his son isn't dead, but by DH being dead to his son- he has to react the same.
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3 Weeks to court
The anxiety is starting to set in so I called our dumba$$ lawyer today.
BM's employer hasn't been served yet. He swears that they only have to give them 7 days and this is his "strategy" so that BM doesn't have as much time to cover her tracks.
BM hasn't been served yet. He doesn't want to give her a heads up until the last minute.
He tells me to just relax, we have it all covered. I ask him if he has X,Y,Z. Hmmm... probably somewhere, just send that again. Oh and bring A,B,C when you fly out.
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