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OT- Need Help!

justmakingthebest's picture

DH's and my anniversary is coming up, it's Cotton this year. I have been looking for months but FINALY found something.

Cuff links and a tie clip that have cotton in the center. You personalize them. I get 15 words for each. 

DH is a pretty simple man, I was thinking of the coordinates where we were both born for the cuffs and EST. 5-21-2018 for the clip but now I am second guessing myself.

Looking at all of the customer reviews people do song lyrics and sweet quotes. I just don't know what to do! We don't have "a song"- being our 3rd marriage I guess we just never did that. Our wedding was hijacked by SS and BM so we eloped and never got a wedding dance. 

I need creative help- PLEASE :( 

Here is the link if you want to take a look:



advice.only2's picture

I think your idea is super sweet and it's personal and means something to both of you.

notarelative's picture

Stop reading the reviews and what others do. Your idea is lovely. Personal to you, just as it should be.

justmakingthebest's picture

Thanks Ladies! I did it. The only thing I did was on the tie clip I added our initals. I hate that I get too wrapped up in things being "perfect" but like you all said. It's from me and personal, so thank you Smile


justmakingthebest's picture

That would be a gift for me! DH is in the Navy- as long as he isn't in his rack on the ship, he doens't care what he sleeps on! LMAO

DPW's picture

I love the cufflinks. When you said 15 words, I thought it would look cluttered but when I saw them, I thought they looked great. Can wait to hear how DH likes them!