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Something funny I was reminded of on my way back from lunch...

stormabruin's picture

When I first met DH, SS8 at the time loathed me. He would call me names of DH's ex's to irritate me and he would constantly act like he couldn't remember my I wasn't worth him making the effort to acknowledge.

It was a weekend and DH & I had the skids. I had the radio on in the kitchen while DH & I were painting. That song, "You Look So Good In Love" by George Strait came on. SS8 happened to come in while it was on & apparently focused on the part that said, "You look so good in love..." but I guess his brilliance jumped in on top of the rest of the lyrics. He said, "Hey dad, wasn't that yours and mom's wedding song?". DH came back with, "No, but I guess it should've been,". SS8 didn't understand the reply, but seemed to be very happy with himself, like he'd accomplished another "burn" on me. What he didn't realize was that the lyrics following were, "You want him, it's easy to see...I wish you still wanted me,". It couldn't have been funnier, as BM slept with several of DH's "friends" throughout their relationship.

Anyway, the song came on while I was driving back to work from lunch, & it made me laugh. Smile


soverysad's picture


stormabruin's picture

Mine & DH's wedding song was "When You're Smiling" by Louis Armstrong.

DH's & BM's wedding song was "I swear". LOL!

Amazed's picture

Ozzy- Just want you Smile

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin

BMJen's picture

Mary J. Blige, without you.

It fits us soooooo good!! Smile

Barbie, I love that your wedding song is by Ozzy! LMAO!! You so rock.

Amazed's picture

lol thanks:) We just couldn't help ourselves we're both little rockers. MIL just shakes her head like we've lost our minds. Our favorite line from that song is, "Each night when the day is through, I don't ask much I just want you."

Perfectly fitting.

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin

soverysad's picture


stormabruin's picture

I also love Ozzy's music, though I can't understand a word he says when he isn't singing. Smile

Amazed's picture

*giggle* so true:)

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin

prayerhelps's picture

"Time in a Bottle" is the song my DH tears up everytime he hears it, because he thinks of me--I tear up now too because it affects him so.