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Almost feel bad for BM's parents:

just.his.wife's picture

Guess BM's parents really want to rent a smaller unit. DH got a email from his attorney yesterday that BM's attorney had contacted him and he had written concent from BM for the kids to take whatever they wanted out of their rooms, up to and including the furniture.

Of course, there is the condition that when BM is allowed to have the kids again, that she gets her stuff back. DH immediately emailed his attorney back that he was not interested in anything out of BM's house for the children. He provides for them at his house and he does not want to entertain the drama that is sure to unfold a year + from now of BM trying to reclaim "her" stuff and in the process declaring alot of stuff he provided to be "hers".

On one hand: I kind of feel bad for BM's parents. They will be stuck with this bill until she gets out of jail and back on her feet/employed again.

On the other hand: they created this monster. Perhaps if they had not raised such a psycho entitled child they would not still be dealing with the fallout from "teenage" shennanigans!

And as an update: sd17 (almost 18!) is installed at BIL's house. She is out of juvie and BIL and his wife took her in. BIL is aware of her issues and didn't want her, however his wife has too soft of a heart and conned him into it.

She is wanting to see her siblings so she was told DH would pick her up on Friday afternoon and she could see them during their comm service hours: and work some of her hours while she is there. When we leave, DH will drive her back to BIL's house. End of visit she is not coming to the house.

11 days.
11 little teeny tiny days.


just.his.wife's picture

It is I can guarantee that. Luckily DH is starting to spot stuff that will cause drama, even if the drama is a year or two out and is avoiding it like the plague.

As for sd17, he isn't going to write her off. I can't expect him to since she is his kid, the very fact he has agreed to keeping her out of my house and did not object to the judges order that she can not live within the house I am still amazed at.