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MIL vent

GoingWicked's picture

Visiting for the holidays, and I have to deal with her crap right off the bat.

First she decided it was going to be an all out spoil-a-thon for SD. She not only bought her hundreds of dollars in gifts and gift cards, then she of course took her shopping, to the movies, out to lunch... excluding me and my kids... fine. My kiddos and I were very grateful we didn't have to participate and did something without them.

Then when we come back she passive aggressively tells me and my kids what a boring time we must have had. I smiled and nodded, just dying to tell her that we would have had a much, much, much worse time accompanying her and her constant accolades and bending over backwards for SD.

And in true MIL fashion, she let her spoiled little boy (BIL) smoke in her house with the kids right there.

She's constantly making passive aggressive comments about what a wonderful relationship with BIL's fiancee that she has I just smile and nod... (I truly don't care, MIL just wants BIL's fiancee to crab about BIL in front of her so she, in turn, can crab about FIL)... I feel sorry for BIL's fiancee, she has quite a bit of learning to do.

I'm able to see her passive aggressive crap more clearly now that I have completely disengaged with her, I don't contact her, Dh does all that. My kids are not hurt when she spoils SD anymore, I try not to encourage them to have a relationship with "grandma" anymore, and I've tried to make visits rare.

Still bugs me though, this is the last time I make the trip out to see them this year... I can only handle it once a year, and it's not for them... it's for my DH.


i am a stepmother's picture

I hear you. My MIL is also unpleasant and VERY passive aggressive to me... spoils the kids rotten and although they are usually well behaved with me, they play up BIG TIME WHEN SHE IS AROUND. They know she will reward bad behaviour with treats. Ugh. When she's around they can do whatever they like and I'm made to feel bad for enforcing rules such as eating your dinner, saying please and thank you... Just have to let it go. I too have disengaged, I accept I am not accepted and nothing I do will change that. I also acknowledge her visits are few and brief so I suck it up and take it, I know I'm a great Stepmom and wife. You sound like you are too. Happy holidays and all the best.

GoingWicked's picture

Do we have the same MIL? Seriously, my MIL does this on our kids birthdays... DH called her out on it once, after I threw a fit over it, and she goes into hysterics, guilt tripping him, etc. I wish DH could cut her off, but he "loves" her and really considers the disfunction normal, since he grew up with it. I will tolerate it (barely) for my DH. I wish I could take a vacation while she is here, but DH would be hurt. I keep trying to get him to visit with just SD, since she could care less if me or our other kids show up... so I just try my best to keep my kids entertained and away from her and her nasty personality problems, and to try not to get angry. She's the one with the problem, and we can't change her.

Tuff Noogies's picture

AMEN. i bet unikitty and schitt-for-brains would get along wonderfully!

heck, dh is already willing to write her off too. i'm certain he'd pay for her one-way ticket to Hell Island.