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Lies on top of more lies

GoingWicked's picture

So, two days ago SD was telling us she was staying for a week because her mom was out of town.  I don't think a any of us were happy about this news.  Today she decided there was nothing she wanted to eat at our house, and BM came brought her food then I guess for some reason she got a bee in her bonnet and then BM came and picked her up, so no more SD.  Not sure exactly what happened, DH is trying to put on a happy face, doesn't want to talk about it.  It's horrible, but all I could think is that isn't it nice when the trash takes itself out.  I am so sick of the lies and the drama, and I absolutely hate having to babysit a 16 year old around my kids because she can't behave herself.


JRI's picture

There was probably something unpleasant at BM's house: spat with BM, no exact food she liked, the hot water heater was on the blink, etc.  Those are some of the freedoms SD landed with us for various periods.

tog redux's picture

Your DH needs to stop letting SD "tell him" anything - he should take charge of when she visits.