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BM yet again impersonating SD14

JustanotherSM17's picture

Yes this is a sad truth we already had to deal with this once before with BM impersonating SD and texting DH as SD . Mostly is when "SD" talks about me or SD referring to herself in the third person. We suspected BM was yet again texting as SD when DH received a random text complaining about me ( I posted about it) and texted DH "how could you stay married to someone who said mean things about your daughter " that whole text DH made in known to SD that he no longer wanted to communicate with BM and that SD needed to communicate to him directly. And surprise , suprise all the sudden no more texts from BM to DH , hmmm I wonder how she knew ? Lol then SD admitted that BM used her phone to text DH as SD because SD "couldn't express how she felt and was scared" which I find hilarious because SD has NO issues expressed her distaste for our home to the family and BM family. SD has no been over for maybe about 4 months now, I would like DH is tired of hearing rejection but there he is every time it's her weekend asking "are you coming this weekend " knowing the answer is gonna be NO or just flat out ignore him like she is doing now. Maybe one day he will get tired of asking who knows.. I'm hoping she keeps up the same energy and says no because I have a pretty decent weekend plan for me, DH and our kiddos . 


Aniki-Moderator's picture

If SD or BM-masquerading-as-SD texts your DH again, he should respond with, "I'll be happy to discuss any issues you have in person."

My DH never responded to hostile skid texts with anything other than "we'll talk about it". 

JustanotherSM17's picture

Yea he had to start enforcing it after the whole chaos that recently happened. She was just avoiding him tho or ignoring him like she is doing now. I know she doesn't want to come so just SAY it! She waits until it's late and DH has to just take it as "she doesn't want to come" yet again she gets out of not actually telling him. And the cycle goes on ...

Cover1W's picture

And be careful in any (if they ever happen) one on one meetings. DH's last attempt to discuss OSD's delusions that she was under duress in our home (oh, how those rules and standards of behavior hurt) in person was a complete set up. She refused to listen, to see the facts when DH presented her with the texts and emails and calls to her after she told him he "never tried to contact her", and was generally verbally abusive to him. He still has not recovered from that meeting nor the last phone call with her when she screamed at him. 

He's still sad, has some bad days, but a therapist is helping. I hope your DH keeps his cool and continues to be the bigger person.

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

BM1 texted my husband this directly without impersonation and she also voiced it in multiple convos over the phone. She told him that he was not prioritizing his kids and if I wasnt going to "get along" with OSS22 and her other son, either he should divorce me or accept to never see the children again. I repeatedly explained the issue isnt getting along because we arent friends, i am an adult, the issue is refusing to follow rules. Then I was accused of wanting them to be "robots" for asking normal things like closing the kitchen cabinets after using something or rinsing your bowl/dishes after you use them....Apparently its "robotic" and I should just let them live!

I always told my husband that his children came first and he could divorce me if he wants to focus on parenting his children with behavioral issues but he refused (would probably have been too hard and miserable without me shouldering the brunt of the problems and being the scapegoat for their entire family)

OSS22 was an awful human being but BM1 always wanted to make him seem like this innocent child. Every time he would do something, both parents would say "he is a child!", even when it got physical

The bottom line is only your husband knows what he wants and she can tell him wtv she wants directly without using SD but she knows your SDs communication holds more power and guilt trip. What you need to figure out is where your husband stands. Whether you are secure or not with your husband does not matter, what matters is how easily manipulated/swayed can your husband be by his ex and SD? If its easy, then consider your days counted. 

Also remember he probably needs you more than you need him so he wont leave you

JustanotherSM17's picture

Yea BM has no problem saying horrible things to DH about me and our kids. I guess she figured it was not doing anything so she had to act like SD for it the "have an impact" . Again it didn't because I told him yet again it was a lie and he needs to stop entertaining that Bs. I guess there's no low that BM will go . 

Rags's picture

There is little that is innocent about a 22yo. When one acts like this POS, nope, they are a write off and their idiot other parent needs a foot up their ass eternally.  So does the Skidult 22yo.