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Tuesday and my mood is already going down hill.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

I guess I just need a vent!

It's only Tuesday and the dread is setting in. SKID weekend ahead YAY! I mean it could be worse I could be stuck in the war zone all day both days. I have Cheering Comp Saturday and Sunday with bd13 which will at least get me out of the house for a good chunk of each afternoon. I still have to go back and be around that foul little creature AKA SS10, SS7 is a great kid.

SS10 is BM's little CIA agent, and not only does he report back EVERY detail he over embellishes and even lies, oppps I mean makes things up, because according to BM HER SON doesn't lie. I have to watch what I do, what I say, put on a fake smile and pretend to be Carol FUCKING Brady. I hate it, I hate this whole situation, why do I have to be uncomfortable in my own fucking house because this little shit has been brain washed against his father and taught to report everything back to BM. I have NO ONE to talk to that will understand. SO will get mad and I'll hear the famous "you hate my kids" truth is SO is starting not to like the kid. HE is tired of living under BM's thumb, under her constant surveillance. My friends will say I'm being mean he is just a kid, (yea he's kid, a manipulating little douche bag). You guys you get it.

In SO defense he has addressed it with SS10 and called BM out on it, but you know how that goes, denial, lies and bs. When the little terd goes home then the fun begins and the text novels roll in like anonymous tips on Americas most wanted. ONE AFTER THE OTHER NON STOP! SO used to go back and forth with her but is going to try a new game plan of IGNORING. Yea it's great but it doesn't make me feel any better about having this kid in my home.

I'm so disgusted, I want to cry, scream, hit something all at the same time. The one person I wish I could talk to, the person who is supposed to be my partner and best friend is last person I can talk to. I know this sounds crazy but between the kid and it's BM they will be the death of this relationship. I just don't know how much more of this I can do.

The kid doesn't even want to see his father, why can't Agent Orange stay the fuck home with his POS MOTY!


just.his.wife's picture

Has your SO ever.... PUNISHED the kid for carrying stories/lying/making shit up?

You know a few days copying the dictionary, in a room, by himself.
No electronics.
Weeding the lawn.

Do it.
Then advise the kid the next time he runs home and spreads lies his dad will light his ass up.

Should not take more than once to get the kid to START understanding.
May take a few times for the sting in his ass to override the "fun" of lying.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

No he hasn't and I'm not sure this kid would care, he is one of those who doesn't concern himself with consequences.

Also not sure what good it would do, he is still going to tell BM what she wants to hear once her interrogation of him starts. In my eyes it's a hopless situation.

Sports Fan's picture

You have got to be kidding me. It is only Tuesday. I could of sworn it was at least Thursday. I'm never going to make it through this week.

furkidsforme's picture

Sounds to me like it is time you start talking about that huge inheritance coming your way, and all your stress over how to manage Grandads HUGE estate... Is it even worth it to keep the summer house AND the boat? Would it be better to rent the country estate, or just summer there? And WHAT TO DO about that art collection?

justanothergurlNJ's picture

You know I think you're on to something, maybe on a smaller scale. I think I am going to start with our Valentine weekend. Maybe a trip to the Poconos in one of the resorts with those champagne tubs. Ohhh I am so excited we are going to have SOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!

misSTEP's picture

He can't stay home. Then BM won't have a spy.

We had a similar thing happen in our situation. SD got a cell phone at a very young age. Of course, she was delighted. Then BM made sure to have a lot of texting going on back and forth between them. Now, I understand that DH should have just taken the phone away but he didn't want to be the bad guy, of course.

In SD's case, it got so bad that she ended up having to see a psychiatrist because of anxiety issues. She also became very reluctant to come over. We were hurt at first but eventually figured out why. Add to the fact of a BM who lets the skids think that it is their choice whether or not to go on the court ordered visits AND who had a million and one reasons/fun things to do in order to entice SD to not visit her dad.

It almost got to where I could call it. BM would cancel, cancel, cancel SD. Then SS would say something about whatever that got BM's panties in a bunch. All of a sudden, SD would be coming for a visit or two. Then cancel cancel cancel again. When DH started saying NO to BM on the cancellations, then BM started having SD call and ask herself! What a setup.

For whatever reason, SS always wanted to come over and BM didn't mess with his relationship with DH as much.

SweetMom's picture

I know how you feel. When my sd oldest sister Comes for a visit I have to pretend to like her. She is a via agent too. I have to hide DH check stubs he use to carelessly lay around. Last time she was here she asked him how much he made a hour. She isn't even his kid. He lets her tag along with her sister because they play so well together . I love it when agent bitch fuck doesn't come . Yes I went there. I can't stand her!