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Courts over & I lived.

Bradymom's picture

Well. I made it through court. It wasn't too bad. I had a stroke 1/16 & am still struggling, so I have been very concerned about going to court.

Court was on property & debts & a home we own that he is refusing to list as ordered. Ex has changed court date 2x that I have fought, so I could no way continue this. The motion is over a year old.

Ex took stand first. He lied up a storm. Emails from me & listing agent, his wife's testimony & listing agents testimony & a perspective buyers testimony proved him lying.

No verdict. Written verdict within 3 weeks.

When I took the stand I was asked a number. This has been a huge struggle for me since the stroke. Usually I can rattle off dates, numbers, facts like nothing. Not anymore. My language is simple, I walk slow & careful. I can't hear out of one ear, 1/2 of my vision in one eye is blind. I'm a totally different person. I've been before this judge. My ex knows me. My attorney knows the medical situation, but I don't think she was prepared for this. My answer to the number was, I stammered around, then I said "I can see the number in my head. Judge may I say it like this please? 3. 8. 9. Comma. 8. 8. 0. ?" Yeah that was very embarrassing. My attorney just asked if I was nervous & played it off as though this isn't my happiest place on earth. The judge smiled & chuckled.

I may have looked meek, or nervous, perhaps stupid, but I didn't look like a liar.

I'm glad it's behind me. I lived through it.


ltman's picture

Good for you. You're on the other side now. Breathe, smile, and think how stupid your x looked as a proven liar.