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It's 5 o'clock some where. The bar is open!!!

justanothergurlNJ's picture

So since we had so much fun at our picnic I figured why not have a virtual bar. It’s Friday and I am sure most of us could use a drink and a little bitch fest. So let’s take a sip and vent about whatever, BMs, Skids or anything else in life that you need to get off our chest.

So I will start, first rounds on me ladies. I will have a Loppy Lemonade and whatever else these fine ladies want, also fry up some chicken wings. We could all use some food with our booze and no little Skid hand in our food.

My Rant: Well other then the Skids coming tonight and BM thinking BF is her personal daycare now that camp is ending, ummmm how do you expect him to take off work and pay you. Stupid Cow. MY car grrrrr I am about to set that bitch a blaze. My mother always told me if it has testicals or tires it would cause you a headache. Damn she was right!

Take a sip!

Who's next?



hereiam's picture

I am still hungover from our picnic. But you know what they say, hair of the dog, so I'll have a Grape Jolly Rancher.

No rants now that SD is 21. We still hear about her drama but it does not affect our lives, so cheers!

justanothergurlNJ's picture

Hair of the dog!! Oh yea, bloody mary usually helps me lol!! Lucky you on the no rants! I wish!

justanothergurlNJ's picture

BARTENDER another round for the ladies!!

So I have a question? On the side it says xx users and xxx guests. Do you ever wonder just who the guests are lol?

hereiam's picture

Probably most of the guests are stepparents looking for answers but have not joined because they don't post.

I'm sure that there are some who lurk for other reasons but most are probably innocent enough.

Justshootme's picture

A round of Italian Dreams(no, they aren't men!) for everyone since the skids are coming this weekend! Wink

I just hope we don't have a meltdown of the little brat SD10 this time. Her mother has so PASsed her that now, when BM wants to spend time with her bf, the brat had to be carried out of the house and put into our car by her BM! :O

justanothergurlNJ's picture


BaseballMom42's picture

A round of margaritas on the rocks, no salt

My Rant: Relating to my blog post earlier about SS15 living with us, I hope DH thinks long and hard about this decision and what it will mean, and how he can't just keep SS here if he can't support him just because he feels guilty. DS10 has a travel baseball tournament out of town this weekend, we are going with my parents and DH and SS are staying home since DH has to work, so maybe that will give him some time away from me to think.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Champagne & Guava for me! CHEERS!

I already posted my rant earlier so no need to bust out the violins again. Just know that I fully intend to tell my DH about BM partying it up last night while she's telling him that she has no money to buy school uniforms! Oh FO' SURE I'm telling him that shit!

cant win for losin's picture

Grande size Frozen Margarita w/ salt please, and whatever these ladies want. And another round of wings. Add some potato skins also. Thanks.

I'm not going to vent. I'm depressing right now. I'm just gonna laugh and "yea boy" you ladies with what ever you share. I'm lonely. I'm let alone alot, so I am gonna soak up all this Estrogen, get my buzz goin, and go to bed with a smile on my face cause I had a nice time OUT with females!

p.s. my drink is already empty again. LOL

justanothergurlNJ's picture

Bartender another drink for cant win for losin. OHHH potato skins yummy! MAke it 2 orders please!!

just tired's picture

I hate to hear you are have another on me!!!

And I'll "yea boy" along with you.

snoopyinoz's picture

Midori sours, followed by a round of June Bugs, and after that a round of Purple Jesus' (gonna be a LOOOOONG weekend)

justanothergurlNJ's picture

Amen!! I few more rounds and we should be ready for some table dancing!!! Can you hear it ladies?? I LOVE ROCK AND ROLL SO PUT ANOTHER DIME IN THE JUBOX BABY! I LOVE ROCK AND ROLL

dreadingit's picture

I'm embarrassed--you all are so much more ladylike than me with your sexy drinks. I'm having a crown & coke (or 3)!
And I missed the picnic, dammit, so I guess I'll have to make up for it at the bar.

dreadingit's picture

LOL! It's amazing(ly sad) how much my tolerance for alcohol has increased since I got married...

BaseballMom42's picture

You know what I just had a couple of weeks ago and it was sooo good...a Pomatini! We should try those too Smile

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Anybody else know what an Irish Car Bomb is?

I have won those contests!

Shaman29's picture

Lucky! I want to go to Ireland with you! I love Guinness and Irish Car Bombs!

just tired's picture

I'm buying a round of dirty martinis....extra dirty }:) and extra, extra olives!!!!

I have one small's not Earth-shattering, and certainly not the worst offense of either of SDs. BUT!

When OSD25 comes to our home, if we've prepared food & have already begun eating....and maybe she didn't even come over to eat, but just stopped by for whatever reason...this completely uncouth young woman goes to the food on the stovetop or counter and just sticks her grubby fingers in & starts picking bits up & popping the food into her mouth.

Srsly. I don't know where her fingers/hands have long it's been since she washed them...did she just pump gas into her car before coming over?...did she just use the bathroom & not wash her hands?.....

And there she is picking food out of what had been cleanly prepared food.

Blecch. And to try to teach her better, I'll say "Why don't you fix yourself a plate and join us?" Nope....she'll just stand there & pick.

OR....worse yet, one time she stood at the kitchen table where we were eating and went around the table picking a bite of food off DH's plate, then mine, then the next person. It was like having Helen Keller in our kitchen.


Yeah, I'mma need another martini over here!!!

justanothergurlNJ's picture

UGH!! I hate wehn the skids pick food of anyones plate, grrr manners!!! Bartender order me up some Mozzerlla sticks NO SKID FINGERS PLEASE!!!! I am empty so I will have that dirty martini now!!!

I love BF more then anything but I swear it's like sleeping next to a leaf blower at not, I need one of those wedges that they use to keep infants on their sides. I need a man size one!!!!

just tired's picture

Obviously there's no cure for stupid OR lack of manners! More martini please!

I have a saying about martinis: One martini, two martinis, three martinis.....FLOOR.