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just keep me sane's Blog

The SS11 wins.........................

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After lots of arguing with DH about ss11 and he needs counseling and we need parenting classes...I resorted to calling local PD for parent assistance lines after SS11 threatened to kill his teachers baby, and told another student he had a samuri knife ( Not) that he was going to bring to school- what is ss11 thinking.??????????
Yesterday he told another kids to "go suck his mothers boobs" I promptly got a call from the school to come and get him ( He is already serving 4 days detention as it is).

Its over.............the final chapter written this morning............

just keep me sane's picture

Had a conversation with DH about ss11 this morning. Again trying to discuss the counseling and need for parenting classes. DH blew up in my face - I told him either schedule one or the other or I am leaving. It appears I am the only one who assumes any responsibility for whats happening to his kid. I also am raising 1 year old grandson as well.


just keep me sane's picture

SS11 feels its too much for him to " take out the trash" clean his bathroom ( he has his own and no one else uses it) does not want to clean his room or help out in the kitchen by drying dishes, setting the table or wiping the table off.
I am so pissed this kid is going to make me crazy he is almost 5 ft tall and 85 #'s with no physical disabilities - I call bullshit on his attitude.

Another angry weekend with the SS11

just keep me sane's picture

I took good advise last week and took all of SS11's stuff away until his behavior rallied. I set down new rules and new consequences with it. SS11 was good all week till yesterday- Dad was home and the shit started when he started back talking me early morning after being asked to take a shower ( he was going to a party at 10 a.m.) and clean up his room. Dad gets up and asks whats the problem now " nothing" . SS11 has been horrible all day, fighting with Dad. I have never seen so much hate and standoff between father and son than I saw last night.

I've just had enough!!

just keep me sane's picture

Someone should have warned me about SS ( AGE 11) who was sent to us out of the blue by BM because she wanted to attend school ( boy was that a bunch of bs- she couldn't handle him) SS had not seen his BF (my husband)in 5 years much less ever come for a visit so we had some sort of clue what we were getting into. SS is a manupilative lying piece of work who thinks he is the man of the house.
Tonight was the last straw, he comes home from school has a decent day, we do homework, he eats dinner and goes outside for a bit.