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Why oh whyyyyyyy won't SS leave the room

June's picture

So here is a quick rant- it's new years eve, Hubby and I are stuck with SS 13 tonight. Were in the living room, watching tv, having drinks, fire in fireplace and SS13 won't leave room and keeps asking obvious questions about the show were watching- it's really killing the mood. We have a large house, full cable, a computer, and flat screen tvs in other rooms, tons of movies, Multiple game systems ( which we bought him 4 new games for Christmas ) and he wants to be here with us - how special. I personally, just want to get my new years eve drink on and have at least a few moments alone with my Hubby.


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I told my little princes that they can stay up late. It's 8pm my time and I just put an apple pie in the oven.

I did NOT say they could stay in the front room. I bought some clearance PC games today, and they can go in their bedroom for a while. My last nerve is getting a little frayed.

School resumes in 3 days. FINALLY.

wgagirl's picture

Yay for school starting back on Monday! I am at my wit's end!

Seriously, what is up with the "steps" asking stupid/obvious questions all the time??? My 2 SS's have done this since the day I arrived on the scene in 2008. It gets on my last nerve. They are smart enough... if they would just THINK about their question for 2 seconds, they would KNOW the answer. Instead it's constant (especially when watching a movie together), "Dad... dad... DAD!" Dad says, "What?!" Kid says, "What happened to that dog we had when I was little?"