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jstorie's Blog

i must love drama

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i have a chance to not have anything to do with this child. but i can't do it. im serious i want to shoot myself. biomom gave sd her phone becuase its not right for a teen not to have a phone right? it doesn't matter the boy who raped sd was picked up this morning for first degree rape charges.but then i find out sd is hanging out with the brothers sister again. this could really not be good for that case. this girl acts and talks like a ho. the more the days go on the more sick i get. i don't know how to play step-mom when i have been MOM this whole time. she called me by my name.

as soon as i posted yesterday I got another call from police

jstorie's picture

I haven't posted about the current stuff. really long story made short sd15 ran away last week. first day was wednesday. she got raped that night. was caught at school the next day and said we abused her to the cops. dhs was of course called and we were deemed safe she ran away again she was caught saturday. she then was like my father punches me in the ribs.police took her home to us and in the driveway she said she was raped wed. she hadn't taken a shower. turns out it was true. she was raped at a friends house by her 19 year old brother.

sticking to it is the hard part.

jstorie's picture

So my husband finally had a job interview today nothing fancy just a job at Sonic but after 3 months of him not working...I really don't give a damn. I need him to work. Im a full time student and work part time becuase hes laid off. but with all the shit the sd had put me through I know this is going to open a new can of worms.

So sd15 is living with gma. I WILL NOT ALLOW HER TO COME BACK... becuase of the child abuse bs.

well whats done is done.

jstorie's picture

its hard to love somebody and see them go.

Last night sd15 showed up (while i was at work) with another girl asking her daddy if this girl could live with us. daddy of course said no. well sd then asked if she could walk this girl home. daddy said yes be home in 10 mins.

Well 2 hours later when i got off she wasn't home yet? anyone surprised. no she never came home. the police were called she was listed as a runaway.SHE NEVER CAME HOME.

i get a text from one of her friends saying she was at school so i called the dh and told him call police and go

Our bs3 having a hard time adjusting to sd15 being gone.

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Bs5 has dealt with sd15 being out of the house 4 or 5 times already hes handling it like a trooper... He said to me "you should of called the police bc sissy's not a good girl at MEMEs house either." on the same thing he misses his sister he tells me that. I tell him I miss her too but he can see her soon. He has been acting perfect lately. I have gotten compliments from all his teachers on how well he is doing. Complete turn around!


jstorie's picture

I kicked sd15 out Friday morning, told her dad he could go to if he couldn't find a place for her to live. She has hit me for the last time. She is never allowed to live here again. done. DH sends sd15 to live with her me-me who lives with her mother in law. Alhzeimers is a bitch. I asked DH if he was serious and he said that was his only choice. I said fine. but at this point you should be taking care of her not your mother. He said I understand what your saying...I have no choice right now. Im not leaving you for a child who doesn't want either of us.

Another break down for sd15.

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I decided about a month maybe two ago to stop griping and do something about my situation. I cried. I talked to God. I knew this was all ME. DH has a new job works all the time. Its almost being a single mom. But its a single mom with 2 bs and a sd15. and that is better than having DH there to enable her. I decided to give this my all. Put forth every effort I could to make this relationship work. I knew that meant getting a grip on my temper. Let things go. I have been doing excellent. and I have actually been feeling better about the whole situation. When SD decides to throw fits.

Do you believe in ghosts?

jstorie's picture

"Do you believe in Ghosts mom?"sd15 says to me... Thousands of things rushed through my mind at this time. here we go lets see the next episode of give me some attention.
"No sd15. I don't. God said he created Heaven and Hell and that it says in the bible you go to one or the other."
"oh, well i've been watching ghost hunters and I believe in them and it has been giving me nightmares. i see ghosts Mom."

not step related...this one is about my biosons...who are aggressive... need some advice

jstorie's picture

Biosons 3 and 5 have become really aggressive. bs5 goes to prek half day does great. then he goes to a daycare because we work. yesterday on top of my horribly bad day the daycare teacher said my boys are out of control. they wrestle and wont keep their hands off of each other. they cant split them up because one of their teached decided not to show up. so im just frustrated and don't know what to do. its not surprising with everything they see and hear that they are aggressive. the teached asked me what i do at home. "nothing you can do here" was my response.
