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Unusual to say the least

jojo68's picture

Really since school has been out for the summer, things at the jojo and company residence have been different. Bf daughter has not been home much...if she is home she has a friend over...or she goes to her friend. Last week she actually spent a few days with her mother. Shocking. he acts so very discontent when she is home. Almost like she just can't stand to be home. THe last few times she has had a friend over....she has made a terrible mess of the house at night when she and her friend were supposed to be asleep. It is almost as though she wants to destroy her own home with the amount of destruction. There are some pictures of the mess I took with the phone this AM.

This girl has got to be going through something...she has always been unstructured and did absolutely anything shye wanted but wasn't to the point of being destructive like now. Has anyone had an usual turn of events that made you wonder WTF??? I am at loss right now. Boyfriend has changed is almost perhaps he sees that there is a bit of a problem. He actually apologized for the mess in the house. I was shocked...he has always blown it off before.


KTL's picture

Sure sound to like she intentionaly does not respect the home, please respond to my post also, good luck with her, she would not be allowed over to be left alone, she would have to earn that.
Thanks KTL

jojo68's picture

I did what I could this morning and I think BF is going to help me tonight when I get home.

jojo68's picture

I honestly didn't know how to feel...I think I was hurt at the utter lack of respect more than anything and wonder why. I can't even say I am pissed about it...think I am still in shock a little.

Jsmom's picture

I would have lost it, if you left my kitchen like that. I have lost it on DH for just leaving dishes on the counter, but that is ridiculous. Someone needs a very long come to Jesus moment. Unflippingbelievable as my kids would say. She needed to be dragged out of bed and made to clean it as soon, as you found it.

jojo68's picture

I know...I would have made my own kids clean it up but then again my own kids would never have done that. The worst thing my daughter did when she had company over was burn a pan of thing just cried but she cleaned it up and made a new batch that wasn't burned. Lesson learned and she was only 10-11 when that happened.

Pantera's picture

After looking at the photobucket picture, I can't even find words for how I would feel. That is crazy!!!

jojo68's picture

Yes it has a couple of other times recently when she has friends over but she doesn't do that when it is just her. When I got home last night most of it was cleaned up by BF...all I had to do was some of the dishes. I still have to really scrub the kitchen floor to get up the residue left from flour being all over the floor and need to shampoo the carpets to get the same out of the rug. The canister on the vaccuum was completely full of flourfrom cleaning the carpet all over the guess is that they were just throwing flour all over the house beyond the attemp in the kitchen. I have never seen BF get really upset about her destructive behavior until this time. He actually had no one else to blame and I think he saw it for what it was for the first time. I try really hard to make our home nice and I can't tell you all how much it bothered me to have to leave that mess yesterday. I feel like I can never have anything nice or make anything nice until she gets old enough not to do things like that but she's already 10 so when will that be????? BF has talked about building a new house but I honestly feel it would be trashed in less than a year with the way things are now. Very frustrating.

jojo68's picture

It has gotten to a point where she doesn't do anything that she is told....she is totally defiant...I really don't know what to do. It is a situation that has totally gotten out of hand. She can't be trusted either because she lies about everything. And answer to your question is there was no punishment other than to tell her that she could not have friends over anymore if she ever did this again. She has no consequences that is why she is the way she is.

dguiwh2334's picture

Jojo, sry as I said..diff job, not on as often.. As for the sd10.. There needs to be punishment.. Nothing crazy, but I know if that was my kid or skid, that child would be cleaning up the mess! On her own, or with her friend that was over/helped. Did you contact her friends parents? There is NO way I or my BF would be cleaning her mess! And after that, I would surely see that she was grounded! For a week.. No friends over.. Did you try asking why she did this?? What things has she done before? How often is this happening? I'm sorry your going thru this.. But don't let a ten year old get the best of you.. You and BF need to find a way to handle this before it gets worse...