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Condoning or not?

JMC's picture

I’m sure you’re all about sick of this subject as I am, but a good friend/co-worker brought up an interesting opinion re my DH attending the grandkid’s birthday party. Obviously, I’m not going to attend due to the recent developments (i.e., SD23’s nasty gram to me) so DH is going by himself although he keeps asking if I will change my mind. At this point, hell would have to freeze over before that happens. Anyway, my friend said if DH does go without me under the circumstances it would be very disrespectful to me. His reasoning was it would be as if DH was condoning SD23’s behaviour and her disrespect to me, therefore disrespecting me himself. After giving it some thought, I believe he’s right but what the hell should I do about it? Leave it alone and suck it up like always? This will be the first time since we’ve been together that I was not by his side for a family function with the exception of the time I was in the hospital at Christmas. SD23 complained then that he didn’t spend enough time with her. (SD23 was at her in-laws for most of Christmas day) DH had to work that evening and he wanted to stop by the hospital to see me before he went on duty. I do know I’m not going to sit around waiting on him to get home – I will either head to a movie, shopping or go treat myself to a mani-pedi. I feel like I’m walking on eggshells trying to keep the peace for the sake of our trip; it’s driving me crazy – I wish this stupid birthday party was over with already!


JMC's picture

Oh Foxie, you just don't know how nasty this girl is - she doesn't care who's around! The worst part is DH would just stand there and let her attack me & not say a word for fear of offending her or one of her in-laws. And remember her BM will be there, along with BM's side of the family and SD's in-laws. As for holding the baby, there's no way anyone will be able to pry that child away from SD's in-laws - it would be a tug-of-war!

Jsmom's picture

Let him go. You do something fun. Why put yourself through that much tension. If he wants to go fine. But, you sure as hell don't have to. She doesn't deserve to watch you look uncomfortable for hours. Let him go. He can enjoy the time with her.