jl725's Blog
An Update, A Year Late
Married life is not always easy, especially with a blended family. Things are not much better with the ex overall, but this Christmas, we at least got to open presents at our house without her there. She and her family thought we were crazy for not having Christmas morning together. I do think it's a nice thing that a child can open some gifts with both parents even when they are divorced, but I really don't want my husband's exwife present while we open gifts around my Christmas tree.
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Father's Day Surprise
We had my SS over the weekend for Father's Day. Friday when we picked him up, the ex gave my DH his father's day present from their son and added that she gave him something as well and that he would be able to tell which was from her. When I saw the gift later, I saw she got him these Nixon recordings on CD, a gift that he, as a Nixon fan, is sure to love. I asked him, "Does she always get you a gift on Father's Day?" He responds, "I was going to talk to you about that...
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Super Stepmom Syndrome
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Stepparenting mentioned something called "Super Stepmom Syndrome". I don't have the book handy, but it mentioned how many stepmom's get overinvolved. It actually talks about "SSS" negatively and says that while you have good intentions, you will just cause bitterness and resentment in the BM. Well guess what. The decisions I make are to benefit my SS. If I'm an overachiever, it's only because I want to do a really good job. No one can be hurt by this. His BM is a good mother, what does she have to be insecure about?
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We've come a long way...
My SS and I have come such a long way. I thought about this the other day when he said, "Let's go lay down on the hammock." He's 6 years old and he's super nice and really a very easy kid. He's affectionate with his parents and usually with his grandparents (but not always), but other than that, he's not really affectionate with family members.
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Topics I hope to gain insight on through StepTalk...
I'm new to StepTalk and thought I'd start blogging. It's great that there are resources such as this one where people experiencing similar difficulties can get together to help each other or just vent. (Isn't the internet great!) This blog is partly to keep tabs on myself on my own difficulties to date and partly to help others out there that might be going through similar things. I'm going to check back regularly to see what kind of progress I've made on these issues.
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