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She's evil I tell ya.....

jennysue's picture

So I'm starting to think my SD has some sort of personality disorder. She will say and do things to try to get yelled at. It's like she gets some sort of sick pleasure from it. She loves crying to daddy and trying to start fights between her father and me and even her bio parents. She'll come to our home and tell us something which upsets my spouse, which in turn will call the BM and they'll start fighting and vice versa.

I try to stay away from her for my own sanity. But there are moments I'm forced to interact with her in those moments she tries to get me to yell at her by breaking a rule or faking breaking a rule, then telling me she did so I will yell at her. I had to pick the little brat up from her mother's my husband was going to be late and BM said be here by a certain time or no kid. Which I would have been thrilled with no kid but well ugh... So I go and pick the little shit up. Make sure she's buckled properly, state laws and all. Then we are traveling down the road and she said, I'm unbuckled. I said you are a big girl rebuckle yourself. Then she said it again, I shook my head and didn't respond. She said it again and again, to the point she was yelling. I turned up the radio, she yelled louder. I turned down the radio and said buckle yourself or not, that is on you. Just know if I slam on these brakes your little face will hit the back of the seat and I really don't care. All the while I knew she was buckled from the first time when I glanced in the mirror and saw her belt was still clicked. She was trying to entice me to yell at her so she could run to daddy and mommy and start a fight between me and them. This is almost every single interaction I have with the kid. Her trying to get me to yell at her. I spoke to my spouse, he blames it on the BM... I think the little shit is either evil or crazy.... Either way, I am so sick of this little monster...


DaizyDuke's picture

To children negative attention is better than no attention and they learn this at a VERY young age.

jennysue's picture

She gets so much attention from her father, I am invisible when she is there for the weekends. So trying to fake breaking the rules or breaking rules to gain attention is not needed at our house. I used to be very involved with her. But her behavior towards me has gotten progressively worse over time, granted her father has allowed it. But at the same time for my own sanity I have decided to disengage from her as much as possible. I don't want to spend my 2 days away from the office in constant combat with a child. It was to the point of simple questions, like have you brushed your teeth. Not even telling her to just asking if she had, she responds with raised tone and an evil glare. For the longest time I thought I was going crazy over reading things, until we had a house guest that was a friend of my husband's and he even pulled me aside and asked me how I deal with her crap