The ex wife tells me to get my own family and stop playing house with her son...
I want to tell her you gave up your family and cheated on your husband. You had your husbands childhood bff od in your bed and I have no flippen clue how the law could allow you to take care of a child...YOu had an amazing man..Ok, I am not playing house but living life and teaching your child his abc's and 123's, his manners, teaching him what greedy means...I could go on and on...
She told my guy that she thinks of me as daycare...What does that make her? She depends on her happiness because of her child and she gives him anything he wants. She also told my guy that she is glad i do school stuff with him and she sees improvement....I want to say it is not my job, but if I don't do it....He suffers...
- JaneySW's blog
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Thank you for that.. I
Thank you for that.. I taught young 5's and Kindergarten so I am happy to do it but I am also overwhelmed being an instant stepmom to a 6 year old..SS is about to be 7 and in Kindergarten and he is behind. It kills me...She held him back....Why? IDK.....
OMG! THIS^^^^^. So true!
OMG! THIS^^^^^. So true!
Haha, I'd like to say: "Yep,
Haha, I'd like to say:
"Yep, not only am i playing house, and I'm having some awesome sex with the hubby too! Very soon I will infiltrate your son's mind, turn him against you, and brainwash him into thinking he is my OWN!!! EVIL LAUGH HA HA HA HA..."
WTF Ever. Why do these BMs think we WANT their spawn? Wouldn't it be nice if they just said, "thank you for taking good care of my son and for providing for his needs when he was with you."
Our BM told DH, what does ddakan think? She thinks she's gonna steal my kids and yall are going to be one big happy family??
Uh, I was like...yea, like I want YOUR genetic garbage in my house..w/e. They bring out the hatefulness in us. I was perfectly content on playing nice for many years, but it was a waste of my time.
bm will never see you as
bm will never see you as son's family...that's HER kid, just hopefully she's woman enough not to tell kiddo that....that's just wrong
janey-tx 4 sharin you are all
janey-tx 4 sharin you are all so right and I can relate in everyway! Sadly I find relief in finding out I am not alone.We still have not made it official on paper,but I have been doing the Super Stepmom role for 5 yrs now Approx.2 yrs.AFTER the bm left her 2boys and husband of 10yrs.only to move in w/ future new baby daddy, a place her 2 boys were not allowed per new boyfriend's parents.(Those days were so nice and taken for granted because the bm wasn't around! bm was able to be but not there till she found out about me.)I've taught to read,tie,show respect,follow rules,write and so on...whenever school practice is sent for ncp visit bm says,"you will not tell me how to spend my time with my kids when I have them." You'd think bm would WANT to be more involved and help her firstborn children suceed,but no. All she does is act like a child and a friend without morals, rules or consequence.There have been times when I fear the future but still keep faith that my 2 SS will Stay Strong and know better to do what is best and realize one day through mature eyes..
Guess I think of it best to
Guess I think of it best to say to myself,bm MUST feel guilt (rather than jelousy) also helps to imagine bm could be decent in some sort of way and doesn't know how to except reality or deal with it! Stand Strong w/ head high