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Bedtime Problems

JAMS2011's picture

My daughter (3) is having trouble sleeping at night time. Some nights she does not sleep at all. I didn't know if anyone had some tips or advice that would help me. We have a calm bedtime routine. She has one of those glowing music bedtime toys. We take a bath, brush out teeth, read stories, watch a calm movie, lay down with her until she passes out. However, she never sleeps more than 30 minutes to an hour. She has started wetting the bed. She cries when she wakes up which will wake up the baby (1) and keeps my husband and me both up all night every night with work to go to early in the morning. Most nights when she wakes up crying she will come get in the bed with us but lately when she does it she doesn't go back to sleep she just screams and kicks and goes nuts. It is only at bedtime.
Any advice would be great advice!


TinyDancer's picture

Make sure that during the day she gets enough physical activity and enough mental stimulation to really wear her out. (not television or electronic anything especially near bedtime).

The suggestion of the extra D is a great idea, also if you have a humidifer, try using a touch of essential oil of Lavender. Chamomile tea in a sippy cup. A warm bath, no loud noise or bright lights and again, try using lavender scented products, very soothing.

bellladonna's picture

The only problem I see with your routine is the movie. At 3 she needs the minimum amount of TV time. Why on Earth is she watching a movie before bed? My DD3 only gets one hour of TV a day. It's usually after school and before dinner. After that the TV is off. TV is very stimulating for young children.

Try cutting down her TV time and see how that works.