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j9's Blog

at a loss...

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It has been quite some time since my last blog. I am saddened by even reading through the past blogs that I have posted. Since the last blog, things with my SD who just turned 15 have spun completely out of control and has since decided to keep herself out of our lives. The thing that happened was that once report card time came near, my DH and I received several phone calls from SDs teachers informing us that she had several missing assignments and was risking failing if the assignments were not turned in.

A sad day....

j9's picture

Hi, this is my 2nd blog, I don't know quite how to start. I have a SD14 and have been married to DH for 12 years. Although we don't have full custody we have her everyday after school until BM is off work, and every Sunday for church and such. Well, the past month SD has realized that she isn't liking it much over here at our house. I have to say it is because around that time we noticed her grades slipping and DH and I were always making sure daily that her work was being done.She is now failing, because she refuses to turn in her work and is becoming a class clown in most of her classes.

What went wrong??

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Hello, I am a stepmomma, have been for 12 years. When I married my husband my stepdaughter was only 2 years old, and now almost 15.We have 2 other children 11yr old girl, and 4yr old boy. We have always had a very good relationship between her and I. And she has always been very close to her Dad. But recently things have changed so dramatically, its almost as if she despises the both of us. Doesn't want to be around us. We communicate well with her mother for the most part. All three of us usually try and work together to keep on the same page.