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BM admitted to me she doesn't want her kid full time...but wants to complain about what DSO allows her to do

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I got drug into a BM/SD13 argument last nite.

It started with this innocent question to SD on facebook chat: Is BM getting you at school for braces appt? Gson11 is going at same time and it will take 2 or 3 hours. Let me know what BM is doing. That is all I said. Period. End of Question.

Well I thought things had gotten better....

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I had a very relaxing 11 days off of work. I work 3 days 12 hours so with 4 days a week off, a week vacation and then flipping ends of the week...11 days off.

Got a lot of stuff done before the cold and snow. Got in a few days of just relaxing and vegging around.

And then Wednesday happened and then Saturday happened.

Question for all: What do you think you DH or DSO and skids would do....

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If you left? This is mainly for CP parents, with a BM that pays little or no CS and the Dad doesn't really make much to support the skids on their own w/o Us, the SMs, help? Do you think the BMs would take their kids back full time if WE weren't around their Ex's anymore?

We all seem to be on the my DH isn't doing/providing/giving us what we need blogs and this question popped into my head. I also wonder how many BMs would suddenly be able to 'handle' their kids if there were no SM to torture.

Interesting gathering of Intel last week.

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For those who don't know...I created a fake facebook acct and got BM to friend me 3 years ago. I use it to find out very interesting things about BM.

Last week, BM had a big blowout with her sister and BFF of the month, on FB for the world to read. BM is severe borderline (and I'm sure other things) so she can only maintain friendships for a few months at best and then there are blow outs with them.

I like not have SD there but WTF is DSO thinking????

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SD13. I blogged about her and BFF twins under my old name.

BM went to 'her mothers state' for a 17 day vacation. Sitting on your ass all day is quite a challenge Wink Sept 4th. SD went to twins house on Sat the 6th. I kid you not, she has been home for maybe 5 days since then. She was at BMs for 1.5 days and the rest of the time has been at the twins house.


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Last year we had a boy on our u12 soccer team that was tall for his age...tallest in the league.

He moved up this fall and anytime anyone references the boy...we all say the 'Tall Kid'. I think of you every damn time its said.

I would ask if its your SS, but this kid ran cross country and played soccer and I know your SS just sits around a lot.

And your point BM?

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BM is off a little 2 week stay out of state with her Mom. BM needs this break from not working or raising her kids, of course.

OSS was supposed to start training for a new job this Monday. Before BM left (last Thurs), she filled OSS' gas tank up so he could get to work. She sent DSO a txt telling him she did this....Everyone applaud BM for this Wink

Printed out the CSE forms to make DSO get his CS from BM

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I understand DSO has his pride, and that $50/month won't break us, it is the principle of the matter. But while I don't pay directly for SD, indirectly I do bc I pay bills, help get her where she needs to be when DSO is busy and recently been taking up more slack bc of DSO missing work. So why isn't BM contributing even if its just the payment for the clarinet or her cell phone bill.

DSO has been missing a lot of work since end of July with health issues...and now the bills are rolling in and med bills with SD who seemed to have a lot of illness this summer also.

Who do you think BM is talking to.

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Snooping on BMs FB...yeah, yeah, I know the routine...don't do it blah blah.

Post from 15 hr ago.

Night (persons name) I love you

Post from 14 hr ago.

(Same persons name) come up here.

If you are on FB and see this pop up on ur wall and are friends with BM but close enough to know her dynamic. Do you think she is talking to:
A. her dh/bf.
B. 10yo Son.
C. 21yo (in 6 weeks) Son.

Answer: C. Is that not creepy? That isn't the first time I have seen her post things that are really creepy to post to an adult male child.
