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Who's in charge of the circus?

ITB2012's picture

Since the beginning of last summer OSS has lackadaisical about his one extracurricular, has used multiple excuses to get out of it, and has been a typical teen when it comes to coordinating and notifying parents of places he wants to go and where he is. The last two cop-outs have been a wonderful study in the acceptance by parents of the lamest of excuses.

My issue is two-fold: 1. I have been the recipient of some of his lack of responsibility since I have occasionally been the adult-in-charge, and 2. BM and DH accepting anything he tells them, mildly asking him to please remember to let them know what he's doing, defending this irresponsible behavior by noting some other un-related decent behavior, and not implementing any consequences.

The kid is not a bad kid but he has learned over the years that mom and dad are gullible and don't want him to feel bad/be mad at them. He is now dictating where he will be, when he will be there, then just not even doing that, or texting way after some agreed time/activity that he's not going to make it (no kidding).

He's not my monkey but sometimes I'm at the circus. If the monkey throws shit at me and his keeper does nothing to correct it, you bet I'm gonna have a problem with that and say something.

After some pointed discussions with DH, DH now understands that if I have had to interact with the monkey and he has flung poo at me, it is my decision (not DHs) whether I say something to the monkey, what I say, and how I say it. Next we will be learning that the person at whom the poo was flung also can make sure there is a consequence for the flinging.

Since the keeper believes that training monkeys is "mean", I don't hold out a lot of hope that the keeper will realize that the monkey is running the circus.



tog redux's picture

Yes, if the monkey flings poo at you, you can totally address it.  What you don't have to do is worry about how the monkey is trained, what the monkey handlers think of the monkey, how many treats the monkey gets, when the monkey goes to bed, how the monkey does in Monkey School, or any of that other crap.

Monkey is a funny word.

ITB2012's picture

And I don't usually think about the monkeys at all. I only was involved this time since I ended up as the adult in charge (there was no way to get a hold of the keeper).

The reason I listed those other items of frustration is that I unfortunately had to listen to some of that thinking as I made the mistake of discussing it with the keeper since he was also affected by the situation. I warned the keeper that he can back me up when I address the poo flung at me or I next time the monkey will have to sit around and wait until the keeper comes back as I won't be getting involved (a thing I know the zookeeper doesn't want at all because the monkey has to be able to do whatever it is he wants to do).