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Bah, ha, ha, ha, ha...

ITB2012's picture

I shouldn't laugh. But found out today from DS/YSS that BM has put herself and OSS on a diet!

I find it funny because: 

-BM is the one who told the doctor years ago when OSS was fast on his way to becoming rounder than he was tall: well, he likes his cookies and candy. (Like an excuse and a reason)

-DH would waffle between pushing the kid to get exercise and eat right and dropping the whole thing and getting junk food (but not tell me so I never knew what stage he was at so I was always wrong with whatever I said)

-OSS making a million faces and fake ailments to get out of eating our healthy food

-he's a grown ass man at this point (19) with a car. He could move his butt and get himself any food he wants  

-and apparently he's pissed about the diet.

And in my crystal ball I see OSS contacting DH to live here until college resumes and DH becoming so teary-eyed that his son wants his dad that it will be a big display of fatherly love and coddling.



tog redux's picture

OMG, the comparisons continue - my SS20 apparently put himself on a diet and is working out. Claims he has a personal trainer (with DH's child support, I assume) and has lost 30 lbs. This would be good, he needed to lose 50 or so last time I saw him.

Last child support increase, BM said she was paying 1K a month on food, lol. 

Losing weight still won't make my SS happy - he needs to get the hell away from BM.

ITB2012's picture

Kids, the only reason OSS lost weight first semester last year (when school was in person) was that he was too lazy to get himself something to eat more than once a day.