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Why did I sign up for this?

is it over yet's picture

:? You ever wonder just what in the heck you were thinking? I mean really, is companionship or sex really worth the stress of skids? My kids are wonderful, don't give the DH an ounce of trouble. (of course they are grown and don't live here anymore, but that's beside the point. Biggrin ) WHy is it that the parent that does all the childcare, rearing and teaching them how to play ball etc when they are young and the other parent is off too busy making a career for themself, is the one always left behind after the divorce. I mean, where the heck has the BM been for the 1st 13 years of this kids life and now, the SS is a bigtime athlete and star player (because DH spent every minute of his 13 years coaching him) and DH gets no respect, no time with the kid because all of a sudden, momma wants to be known as the star's mom. And the dumb kids fall for it every time. My poor DH never gets to see his son anymore, what's with the blinders on kids? That woman was never around, played around, destroyed the marriage in her ilicit trips w/o the hubby, and then, kicks him out and decides to be a mom. I just want to slap her. But more than that, the SS for being too stupid to see through her. UGh! I'm just saying.
It's not fair to the one who put in all the work.
And I'm supposed to show the SS some respect? I think not.


Lvl85Stepmom's picture

Its how I feel with my son. I raised him for the last 6 years by myself. No help from his father, not even cs. And DS starts to play t-ball, which I taught him everything btw and POOF the father wants in. So now its EOW they visit and my DS acts like an idiot when hes here.