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Bumping into BM

IslandofDreams's picture

So we had all the kids this weekend and decided to go shopping for some things. We go into a Department store and DH is trying on sunglasses with all the kids giving suggestions. Then we hear "there is the girls' mom". I look around to see BM crouching thru the aisles and saying Girls, Girls. Very wierd, why crouch thru the aisles, like she is doing something sneaky...

At least her soon-to-be fiance had the decency to say Hello DH. BM did not say a word to DH or myself. The girls go over to them and speak briefly. Then they return, luckily. I thought she would take the opportunity to actually take the girls home with her. And yes, she would do that.

So we leave the store, talking about how akward that was...Continue on to another store. Don't you know BM is already there! Then my son, with good intentions, says loudly the girls' mom is here!. I tell DH - Let's go now. Right now. We left the store with all the kids and went home. I do not know if BM heard my son in the second store. I was not going to play the "let's run into BM at a third or fourth store" which is why we left. Unfortunately, this is what happens when BM decides to move less than one mile away.

My question to all of you is this~ Do you think her actions were odd, or is it just my general negative view of all BM actions? If the position had been reversed and I was the BM in the situation. I would not have crouched thru the aisles to approach the kids. I would have walked up to them and said hi kids, Getting some shopping done? And then left.


IslandofDreams's picture

Thanks for the responses!

I always knew she was crazy but sometimes a person needs a little reinforcement.

Also great line Chanel ~ (Nice hot cup of Shut the Fuck Up!) I think I'll borrow that when SDs turn 18!!

youngmama1b1g's picture

def weird. I mean I coould understand not outright saying hi, but crouching in the aisles- thats just too ridiculous.