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Help, I don't know what to do about my soon to be (maybe) 10 year old stepdaughter.

irritatedandconfused's picture

First, I am new to this but am here for any and all advice as I just do not know what to do. My fiance and I lived together for almost two years with his daughter and my two sons. After the almost two years we lived together, my children and I moved out. Our two problems were that my fiance was an alcoholic and his daughter was the other issue. He stopped drinking and we are trying to work things out but his 10 year old daughter is still a problem. I have not moved back with them and not sure if I will. While we lived together, his daughter was very jealous of me and my two sons who are now 8yrs old and almost 4yrs old. My kids had no problem with my fiance or adapting to all of us living together. However, his daughter did. I know a lot of it was my fiance's fault for not spending enough time with his daughter and this was due to his alcoholism. I would push him to spend more time with her alone and all of us as a family. Now that we are trying to work things out though, his daughter has gotten worse. My children and I spend the night at his house and everything is good except for when his daughter is there. Last week, we were already at his house when they came home. As soon as his daughter saw me and my kids, she went right to her room and slammed the door. My 3 & 1/2 yr old knocked on her door over and over telling her he drew her a picture but she wouldn't say anything to him or open the door. He was so excited that we were spending the night at their house and how he wanted to give her the picture he drew but was sad that she wouldn't open the door. The only time she spoke to my children that night was to tell my 8yr old how she was moving her bedroom into his old bedroom while we used to live there. When my kids were in bed, she went to take a bath. As she walked by me, I said hi to her and she ignored me and kept going. No matter how hard my children and I try, she will not try or even be nice. That night (at midnight)my fiance and I were in bed and she knocks on the door saying that she does not feel good. She did this both times we stayed over and it's because she is mad that I am sleeping in the bed with her father and she feels this is were she is supposed to sleep. I also blame this on my fiance as he lets her sleep with him which I feel is not appropriate at her age. Maybe I'm wrong but I do not let me children sleep with me, I do not allow my 8yr old to come in the bathroom or be in the room while I'm getting dressed. I feel at a certain age your children should understand the whole (private parts) and how no one is supposed to see them. I remember being 5 or 6yrs old and my mother told my father to put Vicks vapor rub on my chest because I was sick. I told my mother I wanted her to do it because I felt it was not right for my dad to do it. I was close with both my parents but also understood that after a certain age some things are not appropriate. After speaking with my fiance about his daughter and the things that are still happening his answer is that my kids and I should not come over while his daughter is there. I do not think this is right. He says she needs more time to adjust but I don't see how she can adjust we are not supposed to come over and we have already lived together for almost 2 years. The other issue is how she speaks to her father (or yells at him) and demands for things to be her way. I am a somewhat strict parent and do not allow my kids to talk back to me, yell at me or run my life. My fiance said he talked to his daughter about us getting back together. Basically, he is trying to bribe her and buy her. He told me how he is going to buy her a new bedroom set. And he is going to get her and my 8yr old both iPads if they get along. I said no to the ipads as I don't feel kids at this age need expensive things to make them happy. I feel this will only make them spoiled and as parents this is not the way to make everyone get along. At this point, I love my fiance but do not see how we will ever work. I was not happy living with them before and don't know if I can go back to it. Please, any advice would be helpful and much appreciated.


sterlingsilver's picture

I'd say move on too. You will have years and years of heartache that is not worth it. Your kids will be affected by this too. Also once an alcholic always an alcholic. If you move back in and things get worse with his daughter he'll start drinking again and you'll have to move out again. I'd suggest at the very least to only go over for now when she is not there, but eventually she'll get her way and ruin your relationship.

DeeDeeTX's picture

He's already told you he's not doing anything about his daughter or her behavior. Her behavior will not improve.

Now the ball is in your court. Do you like the relationship as it is, with you only coming over when she's not there? Or do you want something more?

Only you can answer that question. I know I wouldn't stand for it, but I'm not in your shoes and don't know your situation. Best of luck.

herewegoagain's picture

You need a new boyfriend. He's a lost cause. He sticks up for his daughter instead of you, and allows this because of his guilt. His problem, not yours much less your kid's fault. Move on. This guy is not worth it.

stepmonster_2011's picture

After speaking with my fiance about his daughter and the things that are still happening his answer is that my kids and I should not come over while his daughter is there.


Here's your answer. Your man has told you that he doesn't want you around when he has his daughter. I think you need to re-think what you are truly getting from this relationship.

If you were one of my girlfriends and told me this story - I'd advise breaking up and moving on.

Good luck

NCMilGal's picture

Alcoholics can change - I should know. DH and I quit binging 5 years ago. That's not to say we haven't fallen off the wagon here and there(while separated involuntarily, mostly) but we are sober when we are together. It has changed our life.

So, I can't say dump him now, but it all depends on his behavior.