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invisiblestepmom's Blog

Do you ever feel guilty for venting here on Steptalk.

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I am so glad I found this site because I have 10 years of stuffed feelings and no where to go with them but yet I still feel bad talking about my issues with these people in my life. I especialyl feel bad because BM and I are trying to keep the peace. We can be "friendly" sometimes but at the same time I have no respect for her. I jsut give her respect because I have to. So our "friendliness" feels fake and phony. I am faking for the sake of peace in my home.

50/50 custodies and the frustrations outside the homes.

invisiblestepmom's picture

I'm wondering if anyone else has a 50/50 custody arrangment with no one being primary. We do and it is so frustrating when you deal with schools, doctors offices and pretty much anythig else because the forms have room for only one address for the child. No one is primary so who do you put down. We prefer it be us because BM does not comunicate with us very well unless she needs money for it or doesn't want to do it herself.

Blended Families , Confusing and Worrisome for Kids!

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My boys sometimes dont understand this whole blended family thing. A few weeks ago my 5 year old bio. son asked me Who his brother SS15 and sister SD15 really belonged to. I told him all of us, both moms and dads at both thier houses. That answer was not good enough. He asked "No who are their real parents?" I told him BM's name and Your Daddy is thier daddy. This is where he got really confused for awhile. And where I was LMAO...he said " No I mean who were their real parent before that?" I suppose we really confuse the kid because we ar also Foster Parents, and he understands that.

Wishing DH would JUMP for me or at least hear me out!

invisiblestepmom's picture

I am so sick of looking forward to 6pm on Sundays so me an my boys can have some of my husbands undivided attention and then it doesn't come around. 6 pm on sundays is supposed to be my favroite time. SKIDS go home..Sure 6 pm got here. DH was supposed to take SS home at 6pm but BM was being a c-word about SS being sick that he should stay at our house an extra day to rest at our house. WTF since when does she care about her sick child getting rest. She just suggested that so we would say no and then cause a big ordeal about SS being unwanted.

Where did the term STEP PARENT come from anyway?

invisiblestepmom's picture

Seriously where did that term STEP PARENT come from? I mean is it the term for parent who steps up, when no one else will? Is it the term for paretn who gets stepped on? Is it the term for parent who feels like they are stepping on others toes if they get involved?
Stepping IN?
Stepping ON?
Being Stepped on?
Stepping out? - that is the option I would often like to do!

Happy Halloween!

invisiblestepmom's picture

Hope everyone on this site has a nice halloween weekend with their families, kids and skids. I am off to nap in a cool dark room to hopefully dull this migraine that I have then preapre lots of treats for Tomorrow's festivities. We will be tailgating in costume for an Iowa game at my brothers place, then the men are off tot he game, while the ladies drink and be merry but not too much since we have to be able to take our kids all trick or treating later, then all have a sleepover with the kiddos.

SD is a luekemia survivor and can't be happy.

invisiblestepmom's picture

My SD is a luekemia survivor. Here s brief synopisis of her story...BM and DH were going through thier nasty divorce after BM cheated on DH and got pregnant by her lover and now current Husband. BM was doing anything and everything she could to keep DH from the kids because he was not paying child support on baby # 3 whom was not his kid. So she accused DH of child abuse because SD was always covered in bruises.

I am Currently One very Happy Step Mom

invisiblestepmom's picture

After years of no mothers day acknowledmeng from the step kids. No thank yous, etc...I get an email from my step daughter asking why I didn't want to do something for them. And what it was was that I did not want to drive my step son to his physical therapy appointment for an injury he did on purpose for attention, sympathy and to get out of footbal practice, well that swift move got him out of the whole season and maybe permanent damage to his shoulder...but he has never treated me with respect and never been made to so I was like why should I keep doing this for him, his parent should.
