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Why I hate my SD16

imjustthemaid's picture

Yes I do hate her. Sorry not sorry!

She is the laziest most entitled spoiled brat I have ever met in my life!!!

I should have just woken up the brat and made sure she got a ride with DH to her GM's house and that way I wouldn't have to look at her ugly, miserable face all freaking day.

So without me asking DD11 gets on her winter gear and goes outside to start shoveling. Thats because I am raising a sweet, helpful little girl that likes to do nice things for people!!

After about 20 minutes, I run into SD in the hallway. I say to her to please go help DD shovel outside and that DH said no one is going anywhere today until the entire driveway is done. She doesn't look at me but is giving me a dirty look, makes some grunting noise and goes into her room.

I wait a couple of minutes and I go downstairs and yell to her to please go outside and help right now. She pretends not to hear me the first two times then finally says she can't shovel because she has no boots. This is coming from the winter boot queen herself. She says she needs to wear my boots. She knows damn well that DD has my boots on because hers broke and she has been wearing mine.

So I nicely tell her that DD is wearing my boots and she is like oh well then I can't shovel and tries to walk away. So now I am pissed and I yell at her and say to wear your Uggs or dig thru your closet and get anything on your feet. You are not getting away with doing nothing because you are pretending not to have boots. Give me a freakin break!

So she gives me the look of death and storms into her room. Finally twenty minutes later she goes outside to start helping DD who is halfway done by now!

I hate this kid, I hate that I am stuck living with her, I hate that I have to deal with her for the rest of my life!!!
Its like living with BM because she is exactly like her!!

Of course the whole time she was in her room she was mean tweeting about me and saying how she would rather be at school. I wish I could mean tweet about her and say I would rather her be non existent!!

And don't say she is just a moody teenager because this is just her personality!! She has always been this way.

DH called to see what was going on and I told him and he agrees with me at least. Ugh!


imjustthemaid's picture

Ha ha!! Well I dug out this electric shovel thing we have and DD is using that and SD is using the regular shovel!

imjustthemaid's picture

Yes I agree that it's his fault completely and I tell him that all the time. He got full custody when she was about 6 or 7 I believe. But the last 5 years he has not been spoiling her at all! He has tried to undo all the damage but its too late.

If he was home he would have lectured her about how she gets away with doing nothing and he would have sent her out there.

When she was little he spoiled her rotten and was oblivious to it. It wasn't until he met me that he realized what he had done and he saw how she was treating people. He put an end to all of the shopping and she hates me for it. Now money is tight so it is what it is.

I just overheard her telling my Dd outside that we better be paying her for this and how she will never shovel ever again.

What I hate about SD is her winning personality. Her and BM have the same personality even though she didn't grow up with her.

RedWingsFan's picture


RedWingsFan's picture

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Sorry you have to put up with that shit. I know that's gotta be frustrating to no end. I'd be livid too.

bi's picture

she sounds exactly like my sd. would stand there and watch while bd was made to do something. and so would fdh. he didn't take the hint and make his asshole kid help out, and she didn't take the hint and help out because she should. it was always bd and me doing EVERYTHING around here. i'm so freaking glad that bitch is of age and out of here now! and if she ever tried to come back, you can bet your ass i would tell fdh it's me and our kids or her. i will not live with her. she has other family she could go to if that ever happened.

imjustthemaid's picture

Well DH called to make sure she was helping out. I just hate having to be the one to tell her what to do. It never ends well. She hates when I tell her to do something. At least she is partially afraid of DH so she doesn't talk too much shit back to him but she is not afraid of me.

Normally I would be out there shoveling too but nah, not today }:)

whatwasithinkin's picture

Time to take stabs again? Jesus....

I dont think OP is "blaming" anyone.

Her statement was it's like living with BM because she is exactly like he. The statement was not it is BM fault that the sidewalk insist shoveled.

I understand Justthemaid. I have a carbon copy of BM that lives in my house too. Same f'd up moody temperment, same cold hearted personality, and she looks just like her too. Sometimes it is overwhelming and I for one understand

imjustthemaid's picture

Thank you!! Yeah I don't care if people don't understand. I am allowed to hate her if I want! DH may have spoiled her when she was young but her personality is what it is and regardless of the spoiling this is who she is. She is just lazy, selfish, entitled and did I say lazy?

He says all the time that you can't change someone's personality. What can we do? We have begged and pleaded with her to be nice to people and she just does what she wants.

She treats everyone like crap and is only nice to you when she wants something from you. If you have nothing to offer then she doesn't want to know you. I used to think she just treated me this way but it seems to be everyone she comes into contact with.
BM is the exact same way. Unfortunately she has her genes and they are bad ones!!

SD is actually really lucky to have me as a SM because as much as I bitch on here, I am very nice to her IRL. Its a rare occasion that I say no to her and I have always treated her as one of my kids. Just recently I have had it with her and now I just try to ignore her. No more going out of my way for her because I am sick of being treated like shit. I am learning to tell her no. Who cares if she gets mad?? Not me!

imjustthemaid's picture

Yes I was that bratty teenager too. The difference with SD is that she is a very cold, calculating person. She does not have feelings, empathy or sympathy for people. It has to be all about her, all the time.

A friend of hers called the other day crying saying she was worried about her GF because he needed surgery and SD was just like oh well do you you want to go shopping tomorrow. It was so strange.

She could watch you fall flat on your face and she will step over you and probably ask you for money while she is doing it.

DH is the complete opposite of her. It is so strange to me. She is always wishing bad things on people, she is extremely jealous of everyone, she is just not normal at all.

oldone's picture

All the great parenting in the world will not make someone who is born without human empathy into a decent human being.

bi's picture

agreed. a lot of shitty behavior can be blamed on bad parenting, but sometimes good parents still end up with asshole kids, and bad parents end up with good ones. my mom sure as hell didn't have anything to do with me turning out to be a normal productive human being. my loser brother is the product of her parenting, somehow i escaped that path.

i also think that when kids become adults, they can make choices. they don't have to continue to be jerks just because they had shit parents.

RedWingsFan's picture


hismineandours's picture

Yep and this is why I dont like my ss-almost 15. Aside form all the creepy, heinous things he has done to me and mine-just his every day personality is a bitch to deal with. He has been that way since he has been a small child-it was really apparent at around age 6. I used to call him a grumpy old man because that is the way he acted 24/7. He was constantly irritable, yelling all the time, evey single day, thought he was a victim and that everyone always had it better than him, nothing was ever his fault, and he shouldnt do anything for anyone else ever. In all these years he has not changed one bit.

I know when we first started recognizing it-we tried to blame bm, everyone tried blaming me for awhile, we blamed the divorce, I blamed dh-and ss simply blamed everyone for any sort of unhappiness he had (which he was unhappy pretty much 24/7). I no longer care whose fault it is-it's immaterial-it doesnt change the fact that he is a complete asshole. He is extrememly controlling, oppositional, rude, tries to be very threatening and intimidating. He purposely annoys others around him due to his own boredom-he's a pill. At this point eveyrone knows it-my own dh cant stand to be around the kid nor can his mother-he is truly that bad. I find that people though cannot understand when I try to describe it. They say things like, "oh, yeah, those teens can be obnoxious" or "you know how boys are". No, ick. It's none of those things-this kid is truly the most unpleasant individual I've ever encountered-and again I'm not even talking about some of the truly horrendous things hes done-just his regular every day personality.

imjustthemaid's picture

Yep its not her just being a teen. She is just an asshole. She always was and will always be! She constantly needs people to be feeling bad for her, she is extremely jealous of everyone, she hates everyone, she has no social skills at all, she does not know how to be a friend, she has no feelings, she is cold, manipulative, greedy, selfish, lazy, and evil!

I do not like her as a person and I will never love her. Blah!

Regardless of how she ended up this way-I am the one stuck dealing with it every single day of my life while BM is out at a bar and DH is at work all the time. These two idiots have a kid together and I am the one that has to suffer!!

oldone's picture

Two more years!!! You know she will go back to that other town. Your DH will of course still be all over her but at least she will not be in your home.

I can't stand SS but I don't have to see him but every few months for a short while.

hismineandours's picture

Hmm perhaps we should hook her and ss up-they sound like a match made in heaven-they can torture one another with their horrid personalities.

My ss is inifinitely unlikeable. He has had very few friends in his lifetime. Eventually he alienates everyone around him. Ever see those Truth Is things that kids do on facebook? Every single one that anyone has done on ss somehow references ss being an asshole. And these are from kids that kinda like/or at least tolerate him. Things like, "Truth is you're kinda funny, but you can be really mean sometimes" or "your my friend, but sometimes your a real asshole"-these are the things taht people who actually LIKE him put. And they are few and far between.