I.hate.cats's Blog
BM showed at the therapist this time...
After threatening to cancel all of SD6's appointments and change her insurance because CPS is investigating BM she decided to show up this time. And as with everything else she HAS to be in control. DH and I have explained this to the therapist down the fact that SD missed her first appointment because of BM, would have missed her last appointment if we had agreed to let BM take her and just last week after missing her 2nd dentist appointment in a row, can't see that dentist anymore because BM is just irresponsible.
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The Nature vs. Nurture argument could be resolved by talking to a Stepmom
SD6 did great at summer school, she went from saying "I can't read" and feeling completely opposed to trying. Her Conners assessment (psychiatric assessment completed by the teacher) from her summer school teacher was 110% different from her 5K teacher's just two months prior. We've got her working in first grade workbooks and last week she said to DH and I "All this time I've been saying I'm not smart, I'm stupid, I can't do it and it seems I was mistaken! I AM smart!"
Just because you let him in your pants doesn't mean you should let him into your child's life
BM sleeps around. It's not me putting her down, I'm just stating the facts. She met DH while she was casually sleeping with one of his friends and DH was dating one of her friends. BM started sleeping with DH all while lying to her friend about it. Now I admit that DH is guilty of being a cheater and wrong for that however I do think it takes a certain kind of snake to steal your friend's boyfriend. Karma's a bitch though because BM cheated on him and here we are today.
Evening karate classes for sleep deprived SD6-GREAT idea BM!
SD6 had never taken a class of any sort until we signed her up for gymnastics. We let her decide what type of class she wanted to take and then found one that was at 11 a.m. on a Saturday. We told BM that we wanted to do it back in May, we gave her a month's time to object before signing her up in June, then another three weeks until class started the last week of June. Both her therapist and pediatrician are concerned about her schedule and lack of sleep; BM puts her in her room around 8:30 with the TV then turns it off around 9:30.
SD6 starts first grade in September but she's not willing to read or even try!
This summer has been a complete nightmare dealing with BM over school, daycare, therapist and extra circulars. DH and I became more and more involved in SD6's schooling and I guess you can say life in general when she started going to an actual school instead of the daycare where BM works. He argued with her about putting SD in a real school for 4K (which is like pre-Kindergarten) to no avail, as BM insisted the daycare program was great, blah, blah, blah.
CPS is almost as useless as trying to get BM to stop lying plus DH heard she got arrested last week....
DH finally got the lowdown on BM's recent antics which include an arrest for battery, leaving SD with her Ex-MIL and first ex-husband who's an alcoholic that she had to get a restraining order against, abusing her prescription meds, then taking her son's and finally buying them off the street.
Doe the insanity ever end????
Five text messages from BM,one call and FIVE calls from her boyfriend/ex boyfriend all after midnight because we want SD to go to summer school. Call after call to the family court commissioner to no avail and BM just keeps getting crazier!
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Dear BM,
I wish you would get medication for that Bi-Polar that you were diagnosed with ten years ago but have chosen to ignore. If you're going to continue to lie to DH on such a regular basis, you probably shouldn't do so via text since it's laughable but also quite pathetic when you contradict yourself within hours. It really would be fabulous if you had any intention of being the great mother you claim to hope to be one day but in the meantime, perhaps you could just try not to cause your daughter anymore emotional damage.
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The Beginning of the End...Part 2
Been a really rough couple of weeks, not relationship wise, but in general. To the handfull of you ladies who understood my sudden insecurity and pessimism, I appreciate knowing that I'm not alone in occasionally letting my emotions get the best of me. The entire custody/placement battle has been extremely stressful, which combined with financial difficulties, DH working, the chaos of having four children fighting with each other and not doing what they're supposed to around the house, it's hard not to go all chicken little about it and wait for the other shoe to drop.
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The beginning of the end?
Have you ever looked at your marriage and your life and thought "What the hell am I doing?" Maybe it's stress or just a bad day but damn it, it just hit me-this will inevitably end up a marriage of convenience with a five year shelf life. I'm going to have to put my life back together and start over again but from scratch.
DH is too polite or cowardly to ever be honest and when the next BM2 comes along, not caring that he's married, he'll cheat. This relationship will continue to deteriorate and he'll pretend that everything is okay because that's what he does.
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