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Be good or be good at it

I.hate.cats's picture

The only thing worse than a liar is a bad liar. Before the advent of the text message liars had plausible deniability however with everyone's every word being documented,it's gotten harder for liars to backtrack on their bullshit as proof is just a screen shot away. Anyone with an IQ above their age can see the writing on the wall and admit defeat when confronted by those pesky little things called facts but not unfortunately we aren't dealing with an individual who possesses such intellectual prowess. No, clinging tightly to stubborn stupidity as if it could somehow shield her from reality, BM just changes course and says it's none of our business.

SD spends half of the time she should be with BM with SD's first husband's mother. Did I mention that her first husband is a dangerous individual who punched said mother in the face just a few months back while SD was present? No worries,just tell SD not to mention it to us, just claim he's not allowed there and when all else fails, tell is it's none of our business. SD is afraid of BM's boyfriend and sobbed for 20 minutes when I told her she had to go back to BM'S today but I suppose that's none of our business either. SD stands for step daughter and I know that but she's a human being, an innocent child with feelings and it sucks that her BM cares more about getting laid and getting paid than she does about being a mother to SD.

One of the hardest things I've experienced is watching her cry over having to go back there, listening to her beg me to pick her up from school before BM'S douche boyfriend van get there and knowing that I can't do anything about it. I remember my parents divorce and how I felt going through the same thing, begging my dad not to take me back and knowing that my hands are tied, just as his were doesn't make me feel any better just as being her stepmom as opposed to her biological mother doesn't make me feel any less responsible for SD'S happiness and well being.

Furthermore, it's damn hard to tiptoe around the truth when talking to SD about the situation. She wants to know why BM has douche BF picking her up instead of letting her come back to our house, why BM doesn't care that SD hates the douche BF or why she can't just live with us. It's mind blowing to hear a six year old say 'I'm her daughter, she should care about me and what's best for me but she just doesn't for some reason.' How the hell do you respond to that?! DH and I NEVER speak about BM in front of her, our bedroom isn't on the same floor and if our older kids; SS14, BS13 and SD12 talk about anything having to do with her at all, they say my friend Susan. At just 6 years old, SD has noticed the difference between our home and BMS, how we treat her and how BM does, the quality of the time we spend with her, etc.

What BM doesn't seem to understand (or maybe she just doesn't care) is that I don't want to replace her or show her up; I want HER to be a good mother to SD. Sigh.


I.hate.cats's picture

Ha, yes I meant BM's. Damn abbreviations and writing when emotional/upset don't mix well although I'm usually pretty good at proof reading. BM got pregnant, married and divorced then repeated with DH; pregnant, married and divorced.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Not nearly on the same level as yours but similar scenes played out at my house. SDthen12-14 used to beg beg beg her mother to spend a weekend with her. One day of a weekend. One afternoon of a weekend. BM always said no.

We have skids every single weekend. BM's work shift is early so a babysitter is there when the the skids get up in the morning. BM only sees skids from about 4p - Mosking in the evenings. Plus my DH takes them for homework one evening a week. So BM's waking moments with skids are 4-8p 3 evenings a week. No wonder the sd is STARVED for mom attention.

It was excruciating to watch these scenes. One year it was SD's bday on a Saturday. All she wanted for her bday was to "spend it with mom." BM wouldn't even agree to swing by on the kid's bday on a Sat and take her for dinner and ice cream. SD was absolutely foul that whole weekend and the direct cause of her anger was the sense of rejection and desperation for a connection to her mother.

Now that she's nearly 16 BM will spend more time with her but only because at this age she requires less direct supervision and has more "interesting" things to talk about like boyfriends that BM finds less boring than typical younger kid topics.

Really, it excruciating to watch these kids desperately trying to bask in mother love that is very, very faint.