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Oh no she didn't!!

IfearImgoinnutz's picture

Last night we had some really bad storms in our area. Tornado warnings for our county and surrounding counties, etc, and I DO NOT do storms, so we decided when it first started raining we would go to my sisters house because she has a basement, if we needed to "hide" we could. I won't lie, I was in full freaking out mode, as were SD8 and SD6.

So we get to my sisters house, she lives literally two minutes from me. We took SD8's homework with us so she could work on it while we were there. So I go over to check on her work and pick up her school planner and she looks up at me and says "My momma said to tell you she doesn't want you signing my planner anymore." Well before I could stop myself I said "Well I really dont give a good god dang (I did say dang) what your momma wants and you can tell her I said so!" Now I try to not say anything bad about BM in front of them, but I was so mad and it just kinda rolled out before I could stop myself. SD8 didnt care, she just went back to her work. lol

So then I tell DH about it. He just shakes his head. I asked him if BM had said anything to him about it. He says no. I told him he probably wouldnt tell me if she did, he says well, why would I want to piss you off. I said because you are supposed to be getting more open/honest w/me about things w/her and setting boundaries and this is part of it. He agreed.

I then went and signed SD8 and SD6 planners in black sharpie big as day. I told him that if she didnt want me signing it then her live in BF didnt need to be signing it either. I'm their stepmother and if I help w/the HW and listen to her read, then I'm signing the planner. End of story.

The whole sharpie thing may have been sorta childish on my end, but I refuse to let this woman tell me what I can and cant do in MY HOUSE.


oneoffour's picture

Of course the next step is to get your signature made into a stamp.

If she allows her BF to sign HER kids HW there is no reason for you not to. Actually isn't it teaching the children how to be truthful for the correct adult to sign the homework. After all, they were the ones who actually supervised.

When I had younger kids and I had a meeting or something I was happy for the babysitter to sign their homework. THEY checked it, not me!

IfearImgoinnutz's picture

Actually, I'm a notary, so I do have a name stamp. Hmmm......what an idea!! haha

We didnt have any problem w/SD8 thinking she did wrong or anything, which was good. She is really a go with the flow kid, she doesnt really care, as long as someone signs her planner.

It did irriate me that the "message" came through her though and not DH. If BM has such a problem with seeing my name in the damn planner she should talk to DH about it, not send it through an eight year old.

twopines's picture

I would SO be putting hearts and swirlies next to my signature after this. I'm so mature that way.

IfearImgoinnutz's picture

HAHA!! Love this!!! She never changed her last name, so its still the same as mine is now unless she can get BF to marry her. God, I hope he wont do that. lol

bearcub25's picture

Our BM makes a huge issue to the skids about my family. SO and I aren't married and have lived together 6 years. If the skids say something ot her like Grandma XXX (my Mom, everyone calls her that) or say that my Grandson is the skids step nephew, BM makes a point to bring up that SO and I aren't married...

BUT, BM and the skids lived (until kids taken) and BM continues to live with her FORMER SFather. BM's mother is married to another man and lives out of state but BM and skids call her SF Dad and Grandpa b/c he basically raised BM and BM's sister and the skids.

But my Grandson can't call my SO Grandpa in BM's eyes b/c we aren't married even though he is the only Grandpa my grandkids know (my DH passed away).

Anytime the skids say something to the effect of, Mom said that so and so isn't our step b/c you and Dad aren't married, I pipe up well you can't call your Grandpa that then b/c he isn't married to you Grandma.

Suck it BM and deal with it.

IfearImgoinnutz's picture

Hahahaha Well our schools just want someone to sign the planner, it doesnt really matter who. DH text me before I got off work and said they were done w/HW. My reply back to him was awesome, but dont you dare sign that planner. lol At this point its just to piss her off. }:)

jadedprincess's picture

DH would love this lol he loves to get under her skin... My personal favorite agitator is my wedding ring set, i have a very thick white gold band and a modest engagment ring...but every time i am around bm i change my engagment ring to a massive CZ in a white gold setting its just small enough not to look fake lmao she glares at it everytime she sees me and i know she is thinking "that should have been mine"

cheating superskank is really big on victimizing herself its pathetic