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I hate Christmas...I used to love it- OT vent

iamlosingit's picture

So far since I have been with DH something negative has happened the month of December/Christmas EVERY. FRIGGIN. YEAR.

DH 1st Christmas not living in the home he thought he was going to raise his family in with BM. "Depressed and moody" doesn't even BEGIN to cover it. DH can't afford the apartment he got before he met me, decides to sign a lease at a cheaper one and ditch current lease.
2011- DH drug addict mom and stepfather (homeless) unexpectedly take a bus back to MN to mooch off their kids. Live in a tent in SIL backyard until winter, then move into our one-bedroom apartment in October. Almost got us evicted. They took a bus back to Utah in December after FIL threw a book at my head when I refused to let him use my cell phone. They were under the impression that "all the kids" were going to "give them a house and a car" when they came up here.
2012-we are forced to move into my cousin's basement when DH realizes the apartment he abandoned planned on taking him to court for the unpaid rent. We moved in October, December DH lost his job.
2013- DH gets new job through a friend. SIL talks DH into moving into her house to be closer to SS. We move in August, SIL refuses to let us install a door on the basement but will let me install a baby gate to keep my small dog downstairs. While I'm at work, her cat jumps the gate, goes after my dog and ends up costing me over $2k in vet bills. So much for saving money living there. Shortly after, SIL decides she is getting a divorce and kicks us out on Christmas Eve so she can focus on imploding her family. We end up moving back into my cousin's basement. My dog is partially blind in one eye and most of my savings are gone.
2014- we finally move into an apartment of our own. BM threats increase. DH starts the process of finding a lawyer. BM deliberately messes up Christmas pick up time, thus ruining DH time with SS for Christmas that year. Everyone is in a mood that holiday.
2015- Dh first Christmas Eve with SS. Overspends. No money for bills. My mother comes over to spend a weekend with us before Christmas, drinks an entire bottle of wine, and says something to DH that to this day...he will not tell me. He says he will take it to the grave.
2016- My mom's health starts declining rapidly, we lose 2 family members, aunt diagnosed with cancer but will not tell anyone. Everyone in my family extremely fake and insulting over Christmas dinner. Mom "suggests" I am pregnant due to weight gain with a pat on the stomach. I proceed to drink wine the rest of the night.
2017- DH mom diagnosed with breast cancer yesterday, my grandmother saying my mom is going to be institutionalized after Christmas. DH freaking out because he doesn't know how he's going to come up with $950 in 6 weeks. I'm still paying all the utilities for the house. Just discovered our gas bill this month is $101 and is due the day after Christmas, and that's just ONE of the bills due this month..sure could use Dh help but he has mentally shut down and is impossible to talk to.
Have also not found a good commute home now that we have snow, it has taken me at least 1 hour to get home from work. Oh, and MIL has texted me saying she is coming over to spend the weekend with us to discuss our required involvement for her treatment needs. Between all the "mother" needs between our families...I don't even have words. Mentally exhausted is an understatement. We have a two bedroom house which means she will be sleeping in our living room and taking over the house since we also have SS this weekend. Decorated the tree, would like to bake cookies but once again we are low on groceries so.. priorities...


iamlosingit's picture

You know when things seem to happen every year and you're like "It will be better next year"...or "there's NO way we can't go up from here"....yeah...I'm still saying that lol. It doesn't help that DH thinks this is "God's way of punishing me for leaving BM and having a child before marriage"....I thought the IRS thing was going to be our "hit" this Christmas, then MIL got the diagnosis. She is optimistic, they caught it early and are going to discuss the next steps next week but I guess out of the 4 spots that tested positive there is one particular spot that has very bad potential. Time will tell I guess. I'm curious to see what is going to be expected of us, I work 50+ hrs/week and DH is scrambling to get any overtime he can now that the IRS is on his tail, hope she doesn't think she is moving in.

I love dogs's picture

Your MIL doesn't qualify for Medicare? Is her druggie boyfriend trying to come stay with you? I understand your hubby wants to help his mom but at what cost is that to your household?

iamlosingit's picture

So much more to it but wasn't trying to make the never-ending blog lol: in 2014 MIL husband passes away due to colon and liver issues. After he passed MIL went to treatment, she has been clean since mid 2015 and lives in a low income apartment downtown. Now the problem we are having is the doctors want to give her pain meds for the cancer and she is panicking because she is a recovering opiate addict. Not sure what we can do at this point but I'm going to try to convince her to get medical mary-jane. Yes she has some type of state health-care. MIL isn't coming over this weekend after all, she has a bad cold and SS is a germ magnet we don't want the entire house catching it. We also have only one bathroom, I know chemo can make you sicker then a dog. We were planning on putting a bathroom and 3rd bedroom in our unfinished basement but just don't have the funds yet.

Acratopotes's picture

YOu can tell MIL, NO... we have SS thus a full house, but there's a hotel near us you can book into...

Take control of the bank accounts and avoid DH spending again

Sit back and take a break, and start saying NO

iamlosingit's picture

Unfortunately we can't tell her no, most of her family lives out of state and she doesn't work she is on state funding/housing/everything. She only has two kids (DH and my SIL) in this state and 3 step-kids from her marriage. While the skids care about her, they don't really want anything to do with helping her since their dad passed away. (see earlier reply for more info on that one) My mom has a ton of family here to help her, I will have to put her on the back burner to help MIL for a bit. I don't think she will pressure us to move in, she knows we don't have the space, she is just overwhelmed with the diagnosis and needs to know somebody is there for her. We won't know more about her treatment options until her appointment next week.